Above Photo: Screenpunk/Flickr
Classrooms, Not Computers has found a new title for its campaign — Stop Corporate Surveillance in Schools: A Movement Supporting People-Powered Classrooms Without Corporate Data Mined Students.
SCSS will be holding its second webinar on Sept 11 from 8:00-9:00 pm Eastern/5:00-6:00 pm Pacific. Register here: https://myaccount.maestroconference.com/conference/register/EPSABDST2VZ3OVVI
Our goal in this webinar is twofold. First, we will provide an overview of the campaign webpage resources and actions, as well as invite you all to share actions you are taking against corporate surveillance in your school/community.
We hope by the end of the discussion, each of you will have an idea for an action you can take, or a connection with others you have made that can help you organize in your area.
Second, following this discussion we have saved time to invite Alison McDowell to hold a 15 min Q and A about her latest powerful video called “Life on the Ledger.” The video exposes how far and how deep corporate ownership of our democratic and public worlds will be; in, with, and beyond schools. Please watch the video in advance of our webinar if possible (link https://wrenchinthegears.com/2018/09/05/blockchain-life-on-the-ledger/ ).
Please also see our SCSS campaign resource called “How well do you know Ed Reform 2.0?” It offers useful information to help you and others navigate this very complex and messy terrain of corporate colonization. Being informed is the first step. Then we build awareness, and then … action!–