The Embassy Protectors Defense Committee is calling for an International Day of Action in Support of the Embassy Protectors on January 22nd.
- We call upon all defenders of justice to flood the office of the Prosecutor (202-252-7566) with phone calls on January 22nd and demand that all charges against the Venezuela Embassy Protectors be dropped.
- We urge you to, on that same day, sign our petition if you have not already done so. Upon your signing, your message will be automatically emailed to the prosecutor’s office.
As we approach the Embassy Protectors’ trial, currently scheduled for February 11, 2020, both sides are filing documents relevant to the trial. These will be argued at the next court hearing on January 29.
Among the issues the Trump administration is asking not be discussed in the trial are the following:
— The fact that the president of Venezuela is Nicolas Maduro.
— The legitimacy of Juan Guaido representing the Venezuelan government.
— That Carlos Vecchio, whose demand that the Protectors leave the embassy was the basis of their eviction, is not an ambassador from Venezuela but part of the Guaido failed coup.
— That they were in the embassy with the permission of the elected government of Venezuela.
— That they received legal advice that we were in the embassy legally.
— That they were surrounded by a coup mob that was blocking food from coming into the embassy.
— That the electricity and water were turned off on them.
— That negotiations were going on between the US and Venezuela for a mutual protecting power agreement which would have resulted in Switzerland protecting the US embassy in Caracas and Turkey protecting the Venezuelan embassy in DC. And that the Protectors had clearly said that they would leave voluntarily when that agreement was reached.
— The application of the Vienna Convention to the embassy.
— That they were acting within their First Amendment rights.
The government’s motion, if approved by the judge, would leave the jury unaware of reality. The image of Justice wearing a blindfold would have new meaning as the jury would be blinded and not allowed to know the facts, context or why they were in the embassy.
In response to this flagrant violation of justice and the law, the Embassy Protectors Defense Committee is calling for an International Day of Action in Support of the Embassy Protectors on January 22nd.
- We call upon all defenders of justice to flood the office of the Prosecutor (202-252-7566) with phone calls on January 22nd and demand that all charges against the Venezuela Embassy Protectors be dropped.
- We urge you to, on that same day, sign our petition if you have not already done so. Upon your signing, your message will be automatically emailed to the prosecutor’s office.
We thank you in advance for your much-needed support.