The Land Stewardship Project (LSP) of Minnesota held a “LSP Frac Sand Citizens’ Summit,” on January 18th and over 250 Minnesotans attended. They had a full schedule of activities looking at what is at stake with fracking, the impact on air, health and the environment, looking at grassroots victories against fracking and developing plans to work together to stop fracking in Minnesota. According to a petition on their site they want the governor to do three things:
1. Executive action by you as Governor of the State of Minnesota to enact a two-year moratorium on frac sand mining in southeast Minnesota. Such powers are granted under the Critical Areas Act, passed in 1973.
3. Development of community-based renewable energy production and implementation of effective energy conservation through state legislative policy and administrative action.
Below are some photos of some of the people who attended today’s event. Photos are from the Land Stewardship Project’s Facebook page.
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