Above Photo: 500 striking coal miners at Warrior Met Coal and supporters rallied at the NYC headquarters of BlackRock, the company’s biggest investor, on July 28. Over 1,000 miners have been on an unfair labor practice strike since April 1.
It’s been four months since over 1,000 union coal miners at Warrior Met Coal in Brookwood, Alabama, went on strike to demand a fair contract that includes better pay, benefits, and more time for workers to spend with their families. Faced with intransigence from the company and increasing hostility on the picket line, a caravan of striking miners and their supporters came back to New York City to voice their demands and hold a rally on July 28 in front of the NYC headquarters of BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager and Warrior Met’s biggest investor. In this TRNN report, part of our ongoing series “Battleground Brookwood,” we give an update on the strike and hear directly from striking miner Mike Wright.