On this episode of ACRONYM TV: 2015 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee. David Swanson joins host Dennis Trainor, Jr. to discuss 5 things we can do about ISIS.
If US foreign policy has delivered blowback, and it has; has created ISIS, and it has; has exacerbated the refugee crisis; and it has– and has created of itself an Imperial Empire that requires the pillaging of resources, 700 military bases around the world with a military that is the world’s single biggest consumer of fossil fuels, and the single entity most responsible for destabilizing the Earth’s climate which in turn creates the conditions that gave rise to the civil war in Syria – and it did, than the last thing we need is US foreign policy on steroids – which is what Donald Trump is offering.
A line of argument for dealing with ISIS that often falls on deaf ears was outlined by David Swanson’s recent article 5 Things to Do About ISIS, or Can an American Without a Gun “Do Something”? – and David joins me today for an interview on just that topic.
David Swanson is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host. He is director of WorldBeyondWar.org and campaign coordinator for RootsAction.org. Swanson’s books include War Is A Lie. He blogs at DavidSwanson.org and WarIsACrime.org. He hosts Talk Nation Radio. He is a 2015 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee.
Also, #Cop21 – A Hail Mary for Humanity
It is one of the largest gatherings of world leaders ever coming together for two weeks in Paris with the publicly stated objective of reaching an agreement to deal with the worst consequences of climate change that human behavior has already caused- and, essentially to radically alter that behavior forging what many called the planet’s last, best hope to stave off the worst consequences of climate change.