On November 16, 2013, thousands of Canadians will gather including environmental organizations, community groups, and First Nations for the “Defend our Climate, Defend our Communities” national day of action to protest pipeline expansion.
Foreseeing potential consequences and having a management strategy for this huge area lags far behind the enthusiasm to make a corporate profit. The recent emissions study by the University of California, Irvine and University of Michigan scientists documented heavy air pollution in Canada’s largest oil, gas and tar sands processing zone. The carcinogens detected in emissions downwind of the “Industrial Heartland” were higher than in some of the world’s most polluted cities. Not only are nearby residents affected by the airborne contaminants, but the workers are affected as well. If the oil industry plans on tripling its oil production, then the air, land, and water in northern Alberta will become even more toxic. The researchers obtained health records of residents living in the region spanning more than a decade and the results were shocking. The UCIrvine News has the details.
Regarding the scope of the tar sands development area, the Government of Alberta has approved more than 100 tar sands projects covering 92,000 square km of northern Boreal forest with another 100 projects to come taking up an additional 50,000 square km in the area, that in comparison is the total size of Florida. Foreign owned oil corporations control 71 percent of the industry according to “Defend Our Climate, Defend Our Communities” information. The effects of climate change will be devastating especially if the temperature rises by 6 degrees celcius.
The plea on the “Defend Our Climate, Defend Our Communities” website is simple, urging people to stand up for the democratic process, land and water rights regardless of the omnibus bills that have been passed. “We believe we can do better, and build a clean, just, and safe energy future that people across Canada can be proud of. Now, in this crucial moment, we need to show our governments that opposition to pipelines, reckless tar sands expansion and runaway climate change is growing in communities across the country. ” While we focus on the energy of the past, there are other countries focusing on cleaner and greener alternative energies of the future.
The “Defend Our Climate, Defend Our Communities” national day of action is being planned by dozens of organizations and hundreds of individuals from coast to coast. Interested participants can sign up to host or attend an event in your community at a local landmark or MP‘s office.