Note: Our allies at Beyond Extreme Energy were able to send a video to the emails of a little over 1,600 people who work at Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The video shows a former FERC employee telling the truth about the agency they work for. The reality is that FERC is the major source of new climate pollution infrastructure that threatens the planet. The video describes how FERC abuses eminent domain for the private profit of oil and gas corporations at the expense of the private property rights of people and how they put in place carbon infrastructure that threatens rural areas, agriculture and climate change.
Now that these truths are known, the question is what will FERC employees do? As the video says, there are a lot of good people who work at FERC who are aware of the environmental destruction and climate damage as well as aware of the need to rapidly transition to a clean energy economy. As insiders, they can do a lot to expose the realities about how FERC works. They can document industry influence over FERC and the communications between commissioners, staff and the industry. They can expose FERC’s corruption and help stop the damage the agency is doing to people, the environment, and the planet. Now that the truth is known, the question is whether they will be complicit in the climate and environmental crises or help create climate justice.
Join us at the CRACK FERC OPEN protests on June 23-25 in Washington, DC. The time to escalate is now! Click here to sign up! KZ and MF

Today, Beyond Extreme Energy sent our video, “What is FERC?” to the inboxes of FERC’s 1,600 employees. It features Andrew Hinz, who worked at FERC for 25 years and was arrested last summer at the Senate hearing for some of President Trump’s new FERC commissioner nominees (since confirmed). He implored the senators, “Find your conscience! FERC is destroying our atmosphere!”
Hinz points out, “There are good people who work at FERC, but the agency is much too connected to the fossil fuel industry,” and over the past 30 years has turned down just two of more than 500 gas pipeline permit applications.
FERC rubber stamps applications for fracked gas pipelines, compressor stations, gas export facilities and more. Its actions devastate communities and the climate: gas is composed of methane, which causes much more warming of the atmosphere over the short term than CO2. And companies – with the nod from FERC – are allowed to run pipelines and other structures through national forests and mountains, across streams, wetlands, and people’s property through the rampant abuse of eminent domain.
Our goal is to get employees to think about the bigger picture of what the agency is doing and to advocate for change.
The video is part of a series BXE has produced to “Crack FERC Open!” We’ll be back at FERC on June 25 to highlight the cracks that have appeared due to efforts of those both outside and within the agency and to demand that FERC prioritize renewables and stop rubber-stamping gas pipeline permit applications.