Above Photo: Occupy.com
First things first:
I hate terror porn.
I hate the loop and re-loop of horrendous video and images that carve an already burned image into tired synapses.
So this is not that.
What I saw this past Saturday does not need to be replayed because I’m sure you’ve already seen it more than you need to. THIS – this is how I process – through spoken word stream of consciousness – unedited, unfiltered and unrefined.
For those who were also there, and those who stood in solidarity from home, may it be some strength and resolve outside the endless homicidal joy of corporate media.
We take a look at an old decaying pipeline, a brand new one and the company that craves more land and water – for the sake of black gold. — We talk with two indigenous youth activists standing up to the company and taking to the water to raise awareness and build resistance: Stop Line 3 and Paddle to Protect.
ALSO: we started a Patreon page so that people can donate directly to the show – anything you can contribute will help us keep producing these weekly activist news updates AND there are some activist give-aways in store 🙂
This week on Act Out!, a special episode to discuss what happened last weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia. Note: we will not show the video.
Next, we take a look at an old decaying pipeline, a brand new one and the company that craves more land and water for the sake of black gold. We talk with two indigenous youth activists standing up to the company and taking to the water to raise awareness and build resistance: Stop Line 3 and Paddle to Protect. From tweets to marching in the streets, this is Act Out!