Both the Obama and Trump administrations used alleged chemical attacks in 2013 and 2018 to justify bombing Syria. When inspectors with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, who inspected the site of the attacks, stated that there was not evidence to prove the Syrian military was responsible, and in the case of the 2018 attack, that chemical weapons were even used, they were silenced and punished. Aaron Mate has been covering this story for several years and has testified before the United Nations Security Council three times, most recently on March 24 of this year. He speaks to Clearing the FOG about what really happened and how the OPCW is being corrupted by US influence.
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Aaron Maté is a journalist with The Grayzone, where he hosts “Pushback.” He is a contributor to Real Clear Investigations and a temporary co-host of “Useful Idiots.” In 2019, Aaron won the Izzy Award for outstanding achievement in independent media for Russiagate coverage in The Nation.