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Museum Workers Win Demand To Shut Down For RNC In Milwaukee

Above photo: AFSCME Local 526 members join fellow unionists to protest 2023 Republican presidential debate in Milwaukee. Fight Back! News/staff.

Milwaukee, WI – Milwaukee Public Museum (MPM) employees represented by their union, AFSCME Local 526, are celebrating a decisive victory in their campaign for workplace safety during the Republican National Convention.

In a statement, the union said it “presented a list of proposals to MPM administration that would prioritize the rights and safety of MPM employees during the RNC, which will be held just blocks away from MPM. The Union asked MPM not to host organizations or individuals whose actions are inconsistent with MPM’s values, and that employees suffer no loss of wages or additional transportation expenses during the RNC, among other workplace-specific issues.”

On June 4 the Milwaukee Public Museum announced that it would be closed for the duration of the RNC. AFSCME Local 526 says their demands for safety during the RNC have been met, and the decision not to open during the RNC “is a victory for union and workers’ rights and safety, and a rebuff to the reactionary and anti-worker Republican agenda.”

The union statement added, “The Republican Party is actively trying to harm members of our union and our community, leading attacks on unions and workers’ rights, African Americans, Latinos, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities, immigrants and refugees, DEI programs, public institutions, and many other marginalized groups.”

AFSCME Local 526 will continue to resist Republican attacks on our rights by participating in the Coalition to March on the RNC, a group of over 70 local and national grassroots and labor organizations planning a mass protest against the Republican Party’s racist, anti-worker agenda on the first day of the RNC, July 15.