All photos from Campaign Nonviolence.
Campaign Nonviolence Nationwide Actions September 20-27, 2015: Marching for the world, engaging with others, tranforming our lives.
Campaign Nonviolence is a long-term movement to mainstream nonviolence and build a culture of peace in three interrelated ways: practicing nonviolence toward ourselves, toward all others, and toward the world by working to abolish war, end poverty, reverse the climate crisis, and challenge all violence. During Campaign Nonviolence Week, September 20-27, we will take action across the country in these three integral ways:
Practicing Nonviolence Toward the World: Hundreds of Marches
In cities and towns in all 50 states, Campaign Nonviolence will march against violence and for a world of peace, justice and sustainability. During Campaign Nonviolence Week, we will connect the dots between war, poverty, climate change, and all forms of violence —and join forces to work for a culture of peace. Plan a march and other nonviolent actions such as vigils, rallies and more! See the full list of those planning actions byclicking here or scrolling down to the bottom of this page.⇓ If you want to plan an action and be listed below, fill out the form on the right and we’ll add your information to the bottom of this page. If you have your action details already, click here to post them.
Practicing Nonviolence Toward All:
Engaging Nonviolently with Opponents and Others
In cities and towns in all 50 states, Campaign Nonviolence pledge signers, promoters and others will take the opportunity to engage in nonviolent dialogue with persons and groups they disagree with, actively resist, or struggle against. This could range from people in their personal lives to policy-makers that support positions different than their own – and anyone in between. These nonviolent encounters can be done singly or in organized groups.
Practicing Nonviolence Toward Ourselves:
Fasting from Violence and Cultivating Nonviolence in Our Daily Life
In cities and towns in all 50 states, Campaign Nonviolence pledge signers, promoters and others will take the opportunity to “fast from violence” during Campaign Nonviolence Week. Together, we will strive to “fast” from personal, inter-personal and social harm, including verbal, physical, institutional, or structural violence. At the same time, we will strive to practice active nonviolence toward ourselves and others that week – and beyond!
(“Fasting from Violence” was developed by Campaign Nonviolence San Diego. We gratefully acknowledge this powerful and creative practice!)
To support these powerful forms of action, Campaign Nonviolence invites people everywhere to: