We are just over a week away from #RiseUpOctober — three powerful days of action to STOP POLICE TERROR!
Oct 22, 10 – 1 Times Square
Say Their Names
2pm Brooklyn March
Oct 23 — Shut Down Rikers!
nonviolent direct action
Oct 24 — National March NYC
11am Washington Square Park
1pm march
4pm Columbus Circle rally
This is so urgent and so important. Two new reports were just released trying to justify the police murder of 12 year old Tamir Rice! Ready my statement about this here.
Also, this past weekend, tens of thousands of people went to DC as part of “Justice Or Else.” While the diversity and breadth of people joining together in Rise Up October certainly have different views on what went down in DC with “Justice or Else,” I want to share a view, expressed in Revolution Newspaper, on what I agree were the very positive dimensions of what drove people to DC and the sentiments they expressed and togetherness they felt, as well as the problems with the patriarchy and misdirection that was promoted. Read it here:
And, write me back with your views.
Momentum is building in many ways — last week we had a packed (more than 550 people, mainly students) event at Columbia University calling for #RiseUpOctober featuring Eve Ensler, Cornel West, Kimberle Crenshaw, Nicholas Heyward, Jamal Joseph and me. See video here.
Also in this update, I urge you to read the letter below that has been issued by Rev. Stephen Phelps, NYU student Mia Thornton, Revolution writer Sunsara Taylor, Peace Mom Cindy Sheehan, Rev. Jerome McCorry and Candace McCorry, Harlem activist Nellie Bailey, and Prof. James Vrettos about why they are calling for and undertaking nonviolent direct action focused on the demand: Shut Down Rikers!
It truly is an island dedicated to torture and brutality against our youth and others. It must be closed down.
And, finally, be sure to DONATE GENEROUSLY.
Your funds are urgently needed to bring all the families of police murder victims, for stage and sound, to get out even more promotional materials, and really make #RiseUpOctober as powerful and historic as it can and must be.
Be part of determining the future