Above Photo: Students are unhappy a proposed re-organization of schools would shut down some in Brazil. #OcupaEscola (Getty).
São Paulo, Brazil: Students and teachers in São Paulo continue to protest against conservative Governor Alckmin’s attempts to “reorganize” the educational system in São Paulo which will involve closing almost 100 schools.
The student movement is fully autonomous and self-organized with protesters mostly between the ages of 13 to 18 occupying high schools around the city.
As of the time of this publication, the website keeping track listed a total of 219 occupied schools. Plans for the reorganization have been temporarily suspended so occupation numbers may be dropping. The student movement has gained such support that some students in Italy have now occupied a school in Rome inspired by the student occupations in Brazil.
READ MORE: 200 Brazilian Schools Occupied – Police Attack Students
A massive student march took place today in São Paulo with estimated 10,000 students participating. Students, parents and teachers attended the protest in support of the students to mobilize against the reorganization of state schools.
Student protest on Av. Paulista. #ocupaescola #minasdeluta #escoladeluta pic.twitter.com/jfoUQ9lYrL
— Lost Art (@lostart) December 9, 2015
#OcupaEscola Ato dos estudantes toma a Av. Paulista e segue no sentido da Consolação. #ProtestoSP pic.twitter.com/vZJ04J6rj1 — Pro Corrupcao (@procorrupcao) December 9, 2015
“#OcupaEscola March of the students take the AV. Paulista and follow in the direction of Consolação. #ProtestoSP”
Ato segue para 9 de julho. #OcupaEscola #menoscortesmaisescolas pic.twitter.com/yAM0JRf7U0
— Passa Palavra (@passapalavra) December 9, 2015
“March continues to 9 de julho. #OcupaEscola #menoscortesmaisescolas”
#OcupaEscola Ato chega à Praça 14bis bloqueando a ponte da Av 9 de Julho nos dois sentidos pic.twitter.com/nyYEEbS5nt — CMI_São Paulo (@cmi_saopaulo) December 9, 2015
“#OcupaEscola march comes to 14A Square blocking the 9 of July Avenue bridge in both directions”
Ato dos estudantes fantástico!10 mil na 9 de julho!
Posted by território livre on Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Students chant: “Não acabou, tem que acabar, eu quero o fim da polícia militar!” (Not over, has to end, I want the end of the military police!)
The march was peaceful all day until the police tear gassed the protesters, because some people allegedly threw rocks.
#OcupaEscola Repressão no centro de São Paulo pic.twitter.com/90giB1ECBJ
— CMI_São Paulo (@cmi_saopaulo) December 9, 2015
“#OcupaEscola repression in the center of Sao Paulo”
[Auto Defesa] Estudantes armam barricadas para conseguir se manterem afastados da polícia e seguirem pacíficos. pic.twitter.com/SHQdINaTG8
— Occupy Brazil (@OccupyBrazil) December 9, 2015
“[Self-defence] Students arm barricades to stay safely away from police and continue peacefully.”
#OcupaEscola 21:40 Repressão. Na tentativa de dispersar pela Av consolação, mais bombas. pic.twitter.com/e9RvbFXkD8
— CMI_São Paulo (@cmi_saopaulo) December 10, 2015
“#OcupaEscola 21:40 Repression. In an attempt to disperse the Av consolação, more bombs”
#OcupaEscola 21:45 Repressão. Na tentativa de dispersar pela Av Consolação com R Sergipe mais bombas. pic.twitter.com/IgTS3Gm8lJ
— CMI_São Paulo (@cmi_saopaulo) December 10, 2015
“#OcupaEscola 21:45 Repression. In attempt to disperse Av Consolação with R Sergipe more bombs.”
Reports are still coming in regarding arrests & injuries. Initial reports of 9 students arrested and possibly 2 minors beaten by police.
“Two of the detainees were minors and beaten by cowardly cops. Many others were beaten in the vicinity of the march. #OcupaEscola”
More images from @j_livres of tonight’s schools protest in São Paulo. Police say 5 minors are among those detained. pic.twitter.com/p27YsNoUOf
— Ben Tavener (@BenTavener) December 10, 2015
The website tracking which schools are occupied also has links to facebook pages for many of the individual occupations. We recommend checking them all out. All of the students involved are posting pictures and videos of the progress they are making in each school while they are occupying them such as cleaning and organizing classes.
“E.E. Marajoara 2 in the hands of the students
Occupy, resist, take care! The Management of students is much stronger than that of any board. In Santo André, students from the EE MARAJOARA 2 are resisting and occupying the school! #ocupaescola“