Man From The North: The Dawn Of Tomorrow Is Today
Look beyond this night of darkness to the dawn of tomorrow. There is a world beyond the apocalypse, a world beyond war, a world of music and dance; a world where the children are laughing and time stretches slowly; where the Earth lives in the hearts, minds, and souls of our people.
There is a world where the gaping wounds of today close into scars, and then those scars heal over and vanish. The crying of the Earth returns to a love song. Lamentations give way to rejoicing. The wealth of the people breaks through the dam of the elite. Fallow fields burst with life. The deserts bloom, fertile. The concrete cracks into green. The roar of destruction falls silent.
The churning smokestacks of today topple like dictators’ statues. Pipelines are dismantled and destroyed. The financing of war is diverted into peace. Schools are rebuilt, bridges repaired, and health is restored to us all.