Supreme Court Of New York Stops Pacifica’s Attack On WBAI
Berkeley-In the morning, a crew of Pacifica Foundation board members led by brand new IED John Vernile, locked out the staff at WBAI-FM in New York and then fired them all, told the landlord to rent the space to someone else, and started piping in content from the West Coast over mid-Manhattan. In the night, the Supreme Court of New York told them to stop it and restored WBAI's facilities, equipment, studio space, employees and control over the airwaves.
If this feels to you like a flashback, well there's a reason for that. Two decades ago, the Pacifica Foundation locked out employees at Berkeley's KPFA and started piping in content from Texas. At that time, the nonprofit's board was united in their desire to teach KPFA a lesson and extract the millions in license value. Not this time.