Worldwide #WaveOfAction Begins, Third Organizer Call Today
Below is a photo essay and video about the Worldwide#WaveOfAction. We are sure these are not all of the events but these are the ones that have been reported on the Worldwide Wave of Action Facebook page which is where all of the photos in the photo essay come from.
Today the third organizing call for the Worldwide Wave of Action will be held. Here is the information for the call:Worldwide Wave of action third organizer call
ORGANIZER CALL #3!!! Please share Widely!!
Starhawk, Velcrow Ripper, Daniel Schmachtenberger, Patricia Ellsberg, Steven Starr, More!! Organizer Report backs <--> New Action Updates!
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Please share Widely!!
Here is a video by "We Are Change" that asks people "What is the Worldwide #WaveOfAction? People give lots of good answers to the question.