Note: Donald Trump knows that conflict sells and will get him lots of media attention, so he held a campaign rally as close as he could to Bernie Sanders’ headquarters in Vermont. Obviously, he knew that Sanders’ supporters would be out in force and the protesters did not disappoint. Inside the rally, protesters constantly interrupted his 70 minute speech. Outside approximately 700 people protested in the 25 degree weather. The Burlington Police criticized Trump for handing out 20,000 free tickets for a venue with capacity for about 1,800 people and said this would have resulted in the police shutting down the event down if it had been a music concert. While Trump claimed 25,000 people tried to get in the arena, the police said that was false and about 2,000 people lined up outside. At the gates, attendees faced an inquisition — are you a supporter of Donald Trump? Non-supporters were not allowed to enter. Even if someone said “I’m here to listen and learn” they would be turned away, and told “this is a private event for supporters of Donald Trump.” Even with this, many opponents still got through. Inside the protesters chanted “Bernie, Bernie” and “Dump Trump” and every few minutes of the speech Trump was interrupted. When protesters were escorted out by security they were met with cheers from the crowd protesting outside. When the rally ended, Trump supporters left holding their Trump signs above their heads and were met with chants from protesters proclaiming “We are the 99 percent.”
“It’s about 10 degrees below zero outside… You can keep his coat; tell him we’ll send it to him in a couple of weeks.” – Donald Trump
Burlington, VT – Presidential hopeful Donald Trump did nothing to distinguished himself as a concerned leader of the American people tonight, when he directed his security guards to not only “throw out” protesters from his campaign rally, but to “confiscate” their coats.
The Trump campaign rally was held in Burlington, Vermont, hometown of Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders. Though security attempted to weed Sanders supporters out at the door by allowing only people willing to say they were Trump voters to enter, many of the Vermont senator’s supporters made it inside, heckling Trump in larger numbers than he is used to handling.
Trump seemed to struggle to rein in his temper as the protesters interrupted him with chants of “Bernie, Bernie,” that were so loud Trump supporters could not drown them out with a competing “Trump” chant.
“Throw them out into the cold,” Trump barked at security, urging them several times to move faster. “Don’t give them their coats. No coats! Confiscate their coats… It’s about 10 degrees below zero outside… You can keep his coat; tell him we’ll send it to him in a couple of weeks.”
Trump grimaced as he declared it “fun” to evict protesters from his events, saying when he has tried to be benevolent to them, he “got killed.” Trump said the rougher he treats protesters, the more people like it.
“You know it’s sort of fun. Isn’t this more exciting?” Trump asked the crowd. “You know, you go to a Hillary thing. It’s like, boring. You go to a Jeb thing and you fall asleep.”
Have a look at the confrontation between Bernie Sanders protesters and Donald Trump: