Utah Tar Sands on the Edge of Destruction by Rogue Corporation.
Sobering news; please share widely:
United States Oil Sands (USOS) has begun illegally stripping the trees, the soil, the very lives present at Children’s Legacy Camp in Grand County Utah.
In a stunning show of contempt for lawful public process today four USOS earth movers are dozing a one mile loop from the Legacy Camp to below the USOS tar/chemical processing plant on Seep Ridge Road to dump the soil and return again and again and again from 6:15 AM ’til 5 PM.
This is the specific land that was subject to a Utah Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining (DOGM) public hearing that was requested by UTSR and others, that was held in Salt Lake City on June 30th of this year. As a result of the hearing the DOGM strip mining permit final approval was delayed pending submission of a mandatory water and air monitoring/ compliance plan. Yet without submitting such plans USOS is at this time is scraping the Colorado Plateau to strip mine for tar in Grand County and dumping the earth and dust on the ground and into the air about a mile away at the USOS Chemical Processing Plant (CPP) under construction in Uintah County.
UPDATE: UTSR continues to protest at the Children’s Legacy Camp and we have moved our Permanent Vigil Protest Camp against the USOS tar sand strip mine to ‘the Horn’ on Seep Ridge Road which is just north of and overlooking the USOS construction site. This is a very prominent site. Come see! We could use some visitors.
Read more below how you can take action from where you are or consider the UTSR Protest Vigil welcomes direct material assistance. To make arrangements Phone, Text or email: Raphael at 801-503-2149 or UtahTarSandsResistance@gmail.
Now is our time. Defend our lives! Join us! Ongoing and Illegal USOS sneak attack on the Children Legacy Camp. This land is super important environment. This is Elk Calving grounds! Just for instance. The Protest is On! We need more voices raised here and in the Cities! Tar Sand strip mining is a threat to our land, water, air, and climate.
Twenty-five (25) persons have already been arrested in direct actions to halt construction of this the dirtiest form of energy in Utah. Join us.
Today we need several phone calls or Emails. YES!, we can stop this parasitic tar sand machine.
#1 Force DOGM to act
Phone or Email the Director Utah Division of Oil, Gas & Mining (DOGM), John Baza, at 801-538-5334 or JOHNBAZA@utah.gov
Ask John Baza to revoke the conditional approval of the expansion of the USOS tar sand strip mine immediately because USOS has begun stripping the land without submitting an “amended NOI” (Notice of Intent). Also revode the permit because USOS has not gotten an air pollution control permit nor have they submitted a water monitoring program. The current operations look illegal.
Background: On July 17th 2015, John Baza, Director Utah Division of Oil, Gas & Mining conditionally approved expansion of the USOS strip mine (into Grand County) stating: “Division gives its final approval of the Revised NOI conditioned on the Operator amending the NOI to (1) establish a monitoring program for potential effects to the possible subsurface water system, and (2) include further evidence of the Operator’s compliance with the appropriate air quality regulatory authority or authorities.”
HERE IS LINK to the UTSR request to DOGM for the Protest Hearing on USOS Tar Sand Strip Mine expansion that was held June 30, 2015 in SLC
HERE IS LINK to the full DOGM decision to delay USOS permit and require water monitoring and air quality compliance.
#2 Focus the USEPA on Environmental Racism on Indian Lands
Phone or Email
USEPA Assistant Regional Administrator for Enforcement, Compliance and Environmental Justice, Suzanne Bohan, at 303-312-6925 or bohan.suzanne@epa.gov
USEPA Assistant National Administrator for … Environmental Justice., Cynthia Giles, at 202-564- 2440 or giles-aa.cynthia@epa.gov
Tell both USEPA administrators that you support Utah Tar Sands Resistance’s request (or make your own request) that USEPA take Official Agency Action against Environmental Racism by the State of Utah and US Oil Sands and Red Leaf Corporation on the Ute Reservation, in Uintah County, Utah. Construction of this Tar Sand Strip Mine and and an Oil Shale Strip Mine and processing facilities in the Indian Country of so called Utah, without any limits on air or water pollution nor any controls on hazardous chemicals and waste storage or disposal is Environmental Racism and this must STOP!
Background: Although USOS and the State of Utah are thumbing their nose at the environment it is the USEPA (not the state of Utah) who has responsibility and authority to enforce environmental laws on the USOS construction site which occurs within the Uncompahgre Indian reservation. Utah Tar Sands Resistance and nearly 100 persons have asked the USEPA to take ‘Official Agency Action’ concerning a case of severe Environmental Racism. Specifically, ongoing and state sanctioned construction of tar sand and a oil shale strip mine projects in the Indian Country of so called Utah, without any limits on air or water pollution nor any controls on hazardous chemicals and waste storage or disposal. These projects are currently producing substantial and significant air and water pollution including but not limited to dust and erosion, and high levels of global warming gases, and using materials and creating waste streams subject to several Federal Environmental Programs.
LINK to UTSR Request to USEPA for Official Agency Action
HERE is a photo of the massive and illegal dust that is pouring off the USOS Strip Mine and Chemical Processing Plant construction site and onto the Ute’s Uncompahgre Reservation:>
What is Next?
Utah Tar Sands Resistance and Peaceful Uprising maintain a protest vigil against the Tar Sand Strip Mine at PR Spring from May through October. You can join the hundreds of visitors to the Protest Vigil who have witnessed both the incredible destruction and beauty of PR Springs.
We are in need of certain supplies at the vigil.
With the ongoing destruction of Children’s legacy camp this is a crucial time for us to make legal evidence quality documentation of what is happening. We are thinking specifically of documenting the animals being displaced daily, the lack erosion controls, the dust blooms in the air, and other environmental violations.
We need a quality digital camera. Also we need several decent point and shoot cameras at the Vigil and we could use a video camera well.
We also could use and ask if you could provide a spotting scope, night vision scope, several pair binoculars, old or new.
We will use the binoculars, scopes & SLR cameras to spot and capture the destruction and dust and any USOS violations we find.
In the recent evenings, when the destruction pauses, we notice Elk and Mule deer, including females with babies looking bewildered at the freshly bulldozed lands. Come observe with us as the wildlife skirt around the endless fence and bulldozed mountain side at the tar mine.
Here is a link to 14 more photos of the recent destruction and protest. We built this protest action with our friends and allies, a little hammer, an inexpensive camera, a wifi hotspot, and the desire to stop this Tar Sand Mine. Is this your work too?
To arrange to support, visit or deliver of any of the above items to the Vigil phone or text: Raphael at 801-503-2149.