Above photo: 2015 Launch of Freedom Flotilla’s Marianne, which was illegally diverted en route to Gaza by the Israeli military while it was in international waters.
Messina, Italy – On March 8, 2016, International Women’s Day, the Freedom Flotilla Coalition formally launches its latest challenge to the Israeli blockade of Gaza-the Women’s Boat to Gaza. With boats crewed by women from across the world, we plan to underline the contribution of Palestinian women in their people’s struggle, by challenging the Israeli blockade and bringing a message of hope to the Palestinian people. The newly launched Women’s Boat to Gaza website is www.womensboattogaza.org
Gaza has been under blockade for a decade. During this time its besieged people have suffered innumerable attacks and their life has become a nightmare of ongoing struggle. Our flotillas and other seaborne missions expose the inaction of the international community in the face of this suffering, while we simultaneously call for civil society solidarity with the Palestinian resistance.
The international Freedom Flotilla Coalition is made up of civil society organizations and initiatives from different countries. We have condemned the illegal, inhumane Israeli blockade for years and we will not stop until it is completely lifted and the Palestinian people reclaim their rights.
Each of the Boat to Gaza campaign groups believes that our actions in conjunction with “land” support groups can help put an end to the injustice of an occupation that has dragged on for 67 years.
Retired U.S. Army Colonel and former U.S. diplomat Ann Wright attended the international launch of the Women’s Boat to Gaza in Messina, Italy. She stated: “The U.S. campaign of the Women’s Boat to Gaza challenges U.S. protection of the State of Israel in its illegal and inhumane treatment of Palestinians and the blockade of Gaza and calls on human rights defenders in the United States and around the world to support the Women’s Boat to Gaza.”
Please join the campaign. It is 5,900 miles between Washington, DC, and Gaza. Every $5 brings us one mile closer to reaching the families in Gaza. Be a part of the journey. Contribute today! womensboattogaza.us