Above Photo:Jonny White/flickr/CC
There’s a reason we ended up with ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State and we ALMOST ended up with a Labor Secretary in Andy Puzder who prefers robots to humans. The answer is simple: We, the taxpayer, have always subsidized the costs of corporations to slowly kill us while making the pockets of corporate CEOs fatter. A closer look at fast food production in this country shows exactly that. Animal agriculture industries, such as factory farming, that contribute to us eating those artery clogging cheeseburgers come at the added expense of increased water and air pollution. We are paying the price for this environmental destruction literally and figuratively. Unless our nation wises up and agrees to subsidize things that could benefit society, such as healthier food and health care, then fast food companies will continue to be off the hook for crimes against agriculture and the environment that consumers will bear the burden of–unless they die from heart disease first. Lee Camp explores all of this and more on Redacted Tonight.