Gaza /Monday, December 2nd 2013: Sumud and Justice Flotilla / Fishing for Freedom
We are sailing at 10 am in the morning, keep us safe and keep us in your prayers. We need you to raise Awareness about us, fishing for freedom, we are going to Implement the International law. Sumud and Justice for Fishermen Freedom Flotilla.
Armed only with international law, Palestinian and international activists will join Gaza’s fishermen on Monday 2nd December at 9am, to Peacefully challenge the Israeli sea blockade of Gaza.
Sumud and Flotilla considers that for too long, the international community has stood by the while Israel, and now even Egypt, Prevents Gaza’s fishermen from sailing in their own territorial seas, and using the wealth of their own waters.
“The fishermen of Gaza are Unable to support Themselves or our economy, and we are fishing for freedom under the international law and struggling to end this illegal blockade of Gaza and # advice I United Nations to protect Fishermen and Palestinians in the Sumud and Justice now Flotilla “said one of the Organisers, Majed Abusalama.
“They are under constant Israeli military attack, regardless of Whether they are inside the legal limit. In fact the Israeli ‘limit’ is more like a rubber-band, stretching and pinging bac k at Israel’s whim – but never stretching to the 20 miles allowed under the Oslo Accords, the while Often pinging under the three miles allowed by even their most strict ‘official’ limit of three miles. “
On November 18th Palestinian Centre for Human Rights reported an Israeli military attack at 1.5 nautical miles off the Gaza coast the previous day in which two fishermen were arrested and taken to Israeli territory, and their boats, fishing gear and personal belongings were confiscated.
Another incident a week Earlier saw two fishermen forced to jump into the sea under Israeli fire, with one receiving gunshot wounds to the abdomen, the while in September a fisherman had to have a finger amputated Following injuries received as a result of Israeli military fire on the fishing boat on which he and four others were working – both incidents occurring within the legal limit.
Sumud The Justice and is Flotilla Fishing For Freedom, considers these are not just Humanitarian issues, but also Political issues.
Preventing palestinians from Accessing their fishing Areas Violates Numerous Provisions of international human rights law, Including the right to workTel, the right to an adequate standard of living, and the right to health.
Preventing palestinians from Accessing their fishing Areas Violates Numerous Provisions of international human rights law, Including the right to workTel, the right to an adequate standard of living, and the right to health.
Israel’s establishment of a ‘buffer zone “is illegal under both Israeli and international law.
Enforcing the “buffer zone” thru the use of live fire at civilians targets Constitutes a war crime.
Sumud The Justice and Peacefully Flotilla is challenging the Israeli sea blockade, and calls on all people of conscience, as well as the United Nations , to also take action against Israeli attacks on Palestinian fishermen, and on international law.
The violation of the Economic and social rights of Gaza fishermen by the illegal naval blockade Imposed by Israeli Authorities on Gaza waters must end. On Monday, 2nd December, we go fishing for the freedom of Gaza’s fishermen to ply their trade in their own territory, unhindered.
Please join us!
Contact: Majed Abusalama
Mob: +972599828830
Email:, Intifada.coalition2 @
Twitter: # # SumudFlotilla JusticeFlotilla
Contact: Majed Abusalama
Mob: +972599828830
Email:, Intifada.coalition2 @
Twitter: # # SumudFlotilla JusticeFlotilla