A Demand for a publicly transparent commission to audit and recoup wealth that has been extracted from the US economy through corrupt practices.
We demand a publicly transparent commission to audit and recoup wealth that has been extracted from the US economy through corrupt practices. Preliminary estimates lead us to believe that at least $25 trillion has been extracted. To give some context, $1 trillion is $1000 billion. With $25 trillion, we can dramatically rebuild and evolve society for the benefit of all.
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We demand immediate, transparent and comprehensive audits of the following:
* Federal Reserve and all primary dealers;
* Banks & Wall Street firms (generating over $250 million in annual profit);
* High Frequency Trading;
* OTC Derivatives / Shadow Banking System;
* Zero Interest loans;
* Corporate buy back practices;
* Quantitative Easing;
* All political lobbying, campaign finance and revolving door related activities;
* Offshore wealth;
* Military and “security” related contracts;
* Paid “news” programming (for media companies generating over $1 million in annual profit);
* All individuals making over $5 million annually (any year since 2001) in the following industries: financial, healthcare, food, fossil fuel energy and military.
Individuals who have profited, at a threshold to be determined, from any of the above activities will face trial for engaging in corrupt practices. Punishments will range from prison sentences, confiscation of wealth, fines and loss of ability to engage in political activities.
Corporations found guilty will be efficiently unwound or a transparent vote will elect an entirely new board and upper management staff. Board members and excutives in positions of responsibly at those corporations will be held personally accountable.
“Lawmakers” and “regulators” who have received any compensation from companies they regulated or wrote laws for, before or after holding government office, will be barred from further government activity and be fined in an amount at least equivalent to past compensation for such activities.
All offshore wealth will be confiscated and individuals will be fined twice the amount they hid, and they will be prosecuted based on theft laws.
These audits and trials must be complete by 2020.
Please click the “Sign Now” button to add your voice to this call for justice. You can clarify if there are any aspects of this petition that you disagree with or add in any points that you feel are missing.