Above Photo: From Popular Resistance
Across history, the master/ruling class echoes to black, brown, and white slaves, subjugated people, and poor workers across the world, respectively:
Keep slaving away and eventually, you’ll get to heaven while we enjoy heaven here on earth.
Workers have no nation. With this realization, at some point, we must draw a line between our multiracial militantly anti-racist ranks and confront sympathizers of the capitalists class. Individuals who are granted temporary but unstable power from the ruling class and who believe their loyalty to the ruling class will guarantee their stability and further power. They may take the form of other individual workers in our communities with capitalist aspirations, petty bourgeois business owners, white supremacists, and the black misleadership class. They fall into the unfortunate trap of gutter racism or separatist cultural nationalism. The deep segregation under which racial groups find themselves makes difficult for them to recognize the revolutionary tendency of our vision and demands for a world that requires the ruling class stop existing and feeding their freedom from our unfreedom based our exploitation and super-exploitation. The ruling class is invested in encouraging in us a politics of division. Through division and separation, they can use us to attack other members of our class who have different racial, ethnic, religious, gender, sexual experiences than us. They don’t want any of us to take a look at the root cause of our misfortune, so they infuse different groups with different ideologies such as gutter racism to attack another group. This is done at the same time as they ramp up the exploitation of each group, so that the desperation, resentment, and hate that results from that exploitation is channeled into hatred and blame on other workers who don’t look like them or have their own experiences.
Trump coming into office is a road out of other roads not taken. As a result, the veil has been lifted from more and more of us who have been made to live in fear and anxiety. It has taken us out from living our lives through snapchat or Love and Hip Hop in order to confront real life. It has impacted those of us who perhaps deep down inside would have been a little relieved if Hillary Clinton got elected. This road has disrupted the enchantment of somehow feeling accomplished for doing the most in terms of political contribution via voting when actually that should be the least. It has shaken us in a way that clarify what the ruling class really uses elections for. Elections are meant to send us back to sleep while they kill and exploit us because we are dormant and willing. This is evident in the way bosses fund political action the most and the heaviest when it is related to voting until the next election when they continue the cycle. Unfortunately, if Hillary Clinton was elected a lot of good people would have gone back to sleep not knowing or wanting to confront the pain that comes from – realizing she’s another snake coming out of the same puppet card deck always replaceable and easily available to the ruling class.
Other workers, unemployed people, and subjugated populations to nation states across the world have long been in the process of realizing the true meaning of elections under the bourgeois state (a nation driven by the interests of their nationalist capitalist class). They are exercises used to terrorize the poor and working class; no matter what politician we support. They are meant to whip us into discipline. For Americans this exercise takes place every four years at the national level. These exercises are used as the ultimate educational propaganda opportunity. They receive the widest coverage, always use division strategically, and hate towards vulnerable groups inside and outside the national state as leverage to try to win over the majority of the population. These periods of time are used to push xenophobic, nationalist, racist, sexist, homophobic, and transphobic values in the boldest, most subtle, and sophisticated ways to program the national identity and national imagination of what is acceptable and what is not acceptable for the people living within any given nation-state. Elections are meant to appeal and fool our emotions. They are meant to keep us from not finally abandoning the political and economic structure controlled by the ruling class. They are owners of such corporate structures as Walmart, the defense companies (that produce the weapons that are brought into the hoods, into the police departments and across the world), the banks, the top technologies companies like Apple, Google and Facebook, and the owners of the oil companies. That is why elections outside the US are so violent and volatile. Â It is because poor and working class people around the world have already come to conclusion, that any politician even with the best intentions and from the humblest of backgrounds will not serve the poor. They will only end up serving their masters who allowed them to get to that position; the ruling class.
What does this mean for all poor and working class people in the US and abroad who are deeply shaken by the election of Donald Trump?
If you are white and have been taught through institutionalized racism:
- In the different job industries controlled by the bosses
- The corporate media (entertainment and news outlets) in bed with these bosses
- The educational system invested in a racist school to prison pipeline that also retools your mind with capitalists aspirations that alienate all poor people regardless of race
- Your increasing inability to cash out the lie of white privilege and white supremacy that the ruling class sales you to keep the majority of the white working class fragmented and exploited, and alienated from workers of other racial and ethnic backgrounds
You have to be brave and come to terms that you have been bamboozled, tricked, used and dehumanized into thinking gutter racism will get you out of poverty, and/or secure your middle-class status. The reality is that capitalists like Donald Trump have sold you that lie because they know your weakened by the exploitation they exert from your labor, and the deprivation you find yourself in through underemployment and unemployment. They know you are desperate and ready to fall into the race trap and want to keep your alliance based on skin color because they don’t care if you die for them. A the same time, they stab you in the back with the rising economic inequality that affects you too. You have to be brave and rise to the occasion even if the white people around you have not come to this realization yet. Even if the people around you are capitalist sympathizers. This is of utmost importance, even if the poor and working class black and brown people around you temporarily fail to understand the revolutionary tendency of your desire to put forth an anti-racist world. A vision that can only be born from the deep rejection of gutter racism and classism because it makes both black and white workers more vulnerable, and create the conditions for one group to antagonize other; .while the bosses are enjoying the view from their penthouse jacuzzi sipping their $100 wine bottles, while they watch the poor peoples’ race wars on their big screen.
If you are black or brown, we have to continue to rise to the occasion of the most radical sector evident in our ancestral lines. Starting from the moment subjugated peoples decided to confront the imperialist powers they came into contact with. Throughout the historical development of these struggles, these fearless collectives  increasingly waged revolution underlined by multiracial unity to put real love across people of every racial and ethnic background  (especially those who were forced to produce labor for the benefit of the ruling class that subjugated them) to smash racism and racialized capital.
- From the Maroons in the swamps of the South in the 1800s that brought black, indigenous, and poor whites together who didn’t fit or benefit from their relationships with the ruling plantation owner class and rejected the racist and murderous system – burning and fearlessly attempting to destroy plantation society in the hopes of something better
- To the communists, in the early 1900s, across the world threatening their bosses, across countries, from different ethnic and racial backgrounds, threatening to stop work industries to audaciously fight for the Scottsboro Boys (a group of young black boys and men wrongfully accused for raping two white woman by the racist courts of the South) from being lynched in order to compel all workers and those left out of the working class to realize that the true power of our working class can only be fully realized through a deeply anti-racist commitment at the international level to organize workers and people left out of the job sector solely around the needs of our class
- To Fred Hampton and the Black Panther Party, in the late 1900s, that bravely recognized the contradictions of white America, and tried to also grapple with the contradictions of race and class, and dialectically push through them to encourage a rainbow coalition that inspired and learned from the anti-colonial struggles around the whole world at the time. This was an increasingly unified voice that continued to elevate an aspect of the communist legacy around the world decades back who saw the necessity to clearly and precisely get rid of the capitalist class.
In history, there are many rivers, many paths, many groups who organized for different things. We can’t confuse one group of white people for all white people, neither can we confuse one group of white people for another group of white people. If we do…we are playing into the vicious and loveless game that the capitalist class wants us to follow. To attempt in the bravest way to follow the most revolutionary river in history means resisting the separatist assertion between the races brought to us and hammered into us through the instructive terror of the virulently fascist and profit hungry founding fathers of Amerikkka. An opportunity for them to use these concepts of “race” and “racism” to devise a system their elite class and only they would benefit from. And which their descendants — still part of the ruling class — still benefit from.
The most radical formations that have continued the struggle forward of the black radical tradition saw that legacy above move forward. These formations have been careful and conscious about pushing forward the voices of marginalized peoples across racial and ethnic backgrounds at the national and international level. That is why black youth in the US., Mexican youth, and Palestinian youth facing the force of paramilitary forces in their respective countries at a moment of clarity synthesized their individual struggles as a united fight against capitalism. This needs to continue into the future at more and more elevated levels until the whole international poor and working class wake and united. This most radical river of history takes on a multiracial multigenerational, international and expansive sexual and gender consciousness that attempts to address the internal contradictions of this same river in the past and dialectically move it forward. By not only being conscious of bringing and conceding with great love to black voices the forefront of leadership but bringing black voices who are marginalized, disengaged and disinterested in the political and economic system that has rejected them and who have been forced to act independently from the working class. And unite them with other racial and ethnic people across the world that have been put in the same position by capitalism; as well as with workers who are committed at the deepest levels to uplift them into the stability of the working  class.
Aspects of this conversation speak to the election of Donald Trump but have far deeper implications for poor and working class people across the world.