On Tuesday, April 4, The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP), along with key partner organizations, launched an effort to activate the popular movements in our region in support of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) 2014 call to make the Americas region a “Zone of Peace.” This campaign will be informed by the Black Radical Peace Tradition. With its focus on the structures and interests that generate war and state violence—colonialism, patriarchy, capitalism and all forms of imperialism—the fight for a Zone of Peace is an attempt to expel all of these nefarious forces from our region.
Ajamu Baraka, Black Alliance for Peace Haiti/Americas Team
Margaret Flowers, Co-Founder and Director of Popular Resistance & Host of the podcast Clearing the Fog
Follow our guests:
Ajamu Baraka
Black Alliance for Peace
Margaret Flowers
Popular Resistance
Additional Links:
Black Alliance for Peace Zone of Peace Campaign
Black Alliance for Peace Zone of Peace Press Conference and Campaign Launch
WTF is Going on in Latin America & the Caribbean is a Popular Resistance (Stop the Machine! Create a New World) broadcast in partnership with Black Alliance for Peace Haiti/Americas Team; CODEPINK: Women For Peace; Common Frontiers; Council on Hemispheric Affairs; Friends of Latin America; IRTF – The InterReligious Task Force on Central America; Massachusetts Peace Action; and Task Force on the Americas