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There Is No Place For Zionism, Racism And Fascism In Europe

The Executive Committee of the Masar Badil, the Palestinian Alternative Revolutionary Path Movement commented on the events that took place in the streets of Amsterdam and the reactions of the racist Dutch regime that targeted Arab and progressive youth and supporters of Palestine. These repressive attacks continue to target the free revolutionary voices that defend Palestinian rights and reject the Zionist war of extermination in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon, instead of the Netherlands preventing the entry of racist hooligan fans of Zionist football clubs and holding them accountable for their assaults on the population. These racist football hooligans participate directly in the crimes of the Zionist enemy and consider themselves an integral part of the ranks of the Zionist army; they form armed colonial militias and carry out daily attacks on our people in occupied Jerusalem and the West Bank and call for the displacement of the Palestinian people and desecration of Islamic and Christian holy sites.