The Enemy Is The Ruling Class
This is an excerpt from American Autumn: an Occudoc. Get the full movie for FREE by emailing at with American Autumn in the subject line.
Text, Animation & graphics by AJ Russo:
Original; music by Goldi:
Written, produced, and Directed by Dennis Trainor, Jr.
“The Labor Movement has been kicked around now for quite a while and they have to fight. They see people fighting, and they see they are fighting the same enemy. This (Occupy) movement has show such an eagerness to reach out to the mainstream of the American public- and the Unions represent the organized part of that… The focus on the 1% and the first time in an American movement (I don’t think even in the 1930’s that the communist party did this in their mass work. I don’t think even they identified the enemy as the ruling class.” – Jackie DiSalvo | Occupy Wall Street Organizer