In this week’s Resistance Report-
What Philip Seymour Hoffman’s Death Can Teach Us About Climate Change | 00:50 of this video or watch as a stand alone segment here | To suggest that the Keystone XL pipeline will not have a negative impact on the environment is like Walter White telling Phillip Seymour Hoffman that heroin is as healthy as kale.
The Day We Fight Back Against The NSA | 05:27 of this video or watch as a stand alone segment here | February 11th has been dubbed “The Day We Fight Back Against The NSA” by a broad coalition of activist groups, companies, and online platforms who will hold a worldwide day of activism in opposition to the NSA’s mass spying regime.
Members of the New York City Light Brigade, The Illuminator Art Collective and other allies turned the Verizon building in downtown New York into a large billboard to project the all seeing “NSA eye” along with text stating “you will never be alone”, “our eye is on you”, and “Wherever you go, whatever you do, you are under surveillance.”
Massive Resistance Building To Stop #KXL | 08:47 of tho video or watch as stand alone segment here | Over 200 events took place from coast to coast aimed at sending a message to President Obama, that — according to “it’s time for President Obama to be a climate champion, not the pipeline president, and reject Keystone XL. Standing together, we can be heard.”
Did We Defeat the TPP? | at 13:08 of this video or watch as a stand alone segment here | Independent media and activists have come together as part of a growing movement of movements to organize, educate, and resist the fast track authority so important ant to the Obama administration. Have we won? Is the TPP dead? An Interview with Kevin Zeese.