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Ali Abunimah: Germany Is Threatening Me For My Talk About Palestine

The Electronic Intifada’s Ali Abunimah was issued with a legal order by the German government banning him from giving this speech via Zoom to the Palestine Conference in Exile, organized by supporters of Palestinian rights in Germany on 25-26 July 2024. The order threatened Abunimah with fines and up to one year in prison for participating in the conference. He did so anyway.

We shall not rest until the genocide stops: “

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.”

– Archbishop Desmond Tutu

In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

– Gerorge Orwell

Everyday we hear horror stories from the Gaza strip (concentration camp). 70% of residential buildings are now destroyed, friends of ours that have been forced to move 7, 8 or 9 times to places that are then bombed again.

Children burned or mutilated. Tens of thousands of women and children murdered with Western Support.

The situation here in the occupied West Bank has been horrible before 7 October but the level of horror amplified ten fold since. This increase in rate of home demolitions, land confiscation, killing of Palestinians, military and settler pogroms against our people, closing off of 12 ghettos/concentration camps created to store the unwanted indigenous people.  All Palestinians are targets whether they miraculously remained in Palestine or are in exile diaspora. The Zionist movement is taking desperate measures to liquidate even the hope of liberation. Even the delusional hope of a two state “solution” is obliterated with laws and with increased colonial settlements: There are two times more colonial settlers per square kilometer here in the West Bank than inside the Green Line.

MUST LISTEN and MUST DISSEMINATE widely this is the most powerful and revealing speech about Germany and why iit (and the US) help genocide from our highly articulate friend Ali Abunimah.

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