As the Biden presidency ends, Clearing the FOG takes another look at Biden’s legacy. This time the focus is on his economic and foreign policies. Margaret Kimberley, the senior editor of Black Agenda Report and author of “Prejudential: Black America and the Presidents,” describes Biden in the context of a country founded upon settler colonialism and chattel slavery. She discusses Biden’s responsibility for the war in Ukraine, the genocide in Palestine and brutal interference in Latin America and the Caribbean. Kimberley also speaks about what can be expected from the new Trump administration given some of his cabinet choices.
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Margaret Kimberley is the Executive Editor and Senior Columnist of Black Agenda Report and the current host of the Black Agenda Radio podcast, which is also heard on Pacifica stations WBAI in New York and WPFW in Washington. Her book, Prejudential: Black America and the Presidents was published in 2020 by Steerforth Press. Dr. Cornel West said, “Margaret Kimberley gives us an intellectual gem or prophetic fire about all the U.S. presidents and their deep roots in the vicious legacy of white supremacy and predatory capitalism. Such truths seem more than most Americans can bear, though we ignore her words at our own peril!”
On May 20, 2024, she briefed the United Nations Security Council as a civil society representative, speaking about weapons transfers to Ukraine as a threat to international peace and security. She is a recipient of the Serena Shim Award for Uncompromising Integrity in Journalism, and the Women’s Institute for Freedom of the Press’ 2021 Women in Media Award. Ms. Kimberley is also a board member of Consortium News. She participated in the No Nuclear War conference held at the National Press Club in 2024.
In addition, Margaret Kimberley has participated in international delegations to Nicaragua, where she was an election observer, and to Venezuela, Egypt, and China where she participated in bilateral meetings, and observed humanitarian efforts.
Ms. Kimberley is a contributor to the anthologies “In Defense of Julian Assange,” “Capitalism on a Ventilator: the Impact of COVID-19 on China and the U.S.,” and “Killing Trayvons: An Anthology of American Violence.” Her activism includes membership on the Administrative Committee of the United National Antiwar Coalition, the Coordinating Committee of Black Alliance for Peace, and the Board of Directors of the U.S. Peace Memorial Foundation.
She has appeared in national and international media including CGTN, RT, Al Mayadeen, Deutsche Welle (DW), Al Jazeera English, and Sky News.
Ms. Kimberley’s work can be supported on Patreon, and can also be found on Youtube, Facebook, X @freedomrideblog, Instagram, Telegram, BlueSky and Linktree.
She is a graduate of Williams College and lives in New York City.