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Evo Morales

The U.S. Deploys Its Third Major Attempt To Destabilize The Government Of Evo Morales

Using the 2019 elections as the pretext, The United States, through different means and actors, is activating its third major plan to destabilize Evo Morales’ government, block the indigenous leader’s project of political-electoral continuity and interrupt the process of change. However, far from coming from a position of strength, these external actions against the process of change in Bolivia reveal the deep weakness of the internal opposition, which seeks to gain from outside the country what it has not yet been able to gain from within. The interventionist plan of the United States is obvious. There is no reason why U.S. imperialism would not activate plans and measures to meddle in Bolivia’s internal affairs, just as it has done against all the progressive and leftist governments of Latin America. It started with the weakest, such as Honduras and Paraguay, then it carried out a new type of coups, that they applied against the strongest.

Evo Morales: ‘US Is Greatest Threat To Freedom, Democracy’

"The biggest threat against freedom, against democracy, against Mother Earth and against multilateralism is the United States," Bolivian President Evo Morales said. Bolivia's President Evo Morales has warned that the United States is the greatest threat to democracy, and that Latin America mustn't serve its agenda, following the attacks waged by the United States, France and the United Kingdom against Syria. "The biggest threat against freedom, against democracy, against Mother Earth and against multilateralism is the United States. I am not afraid to say this openly," Morales said at the Summit of the Americas. "Washington spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on weapons of mass destruction." The president pointed out that Bolivia has shaken itself free of the influence of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Evo Morales Warns Against US Plan to ‘Recolonize’ Latin America

By Staff for Telesur. The Bolivian president emphasized that the United States utilizes their so-called support for “democracy” as a pretext for their objectives. Bolivian President Evo Morales on Tuesday took to Twitter to state that the United States is planning to “recolonize” Latin America. The socialist Indigenous leader cited Venezuela as being the strategic link behind the scheme, of which “the empire has initiated a wide-scale battle to recolonize Latin America and the Caribbean.” In another tweet, Morales emphasized that the United States utilizes the same pretexts to justify their objective, including support for “democracy,” combating “terrorism” and fighting “narcotrafficking,” among others. He added that mainstream corporate media outlets replicate the same excuses, according to La Radio del Sur. After delineating the threat, Morales urged all troops in the region to remain alert to defend their sovereignty and independence.

Morales Declares ‘Total Independence’ From World Bank And IMF

By Staff of Tele Sur - Bolivia’s popular uprising known as the The Cochabamba Water War in 2000 against United States-based Bechtel Corporation over water privatization and the associated World Bank policies shed light on some of the debt issues facing the region. "The Bank and the IMF have been requiring these countries (in the Global South) to accept “structural adjustment,” which includes opening markets to foreign firms and privatizing state enterprises, including utilities," the New Yorker reported. At the time, the World Bank had stated, "Poor governments are often too plagued by local corruption and too ill equipped" and "no subsidies should be given to ameliorate the increase in water tariffs in Cochabamba." The New Yorker, reported, "Most of the poorest neighborhoods were not hooked up to the network, so state subsidies to the water utility went mainly to industries and middle-class neighborhoods; the poor paid far more for water of dubious purity from trucks and handcarts. In the World Bank's view, it was a city that was crying out for water privatization."

Horizon Of Evo Morales’ Long Decade In Power

By Benjamin Dangl for Counter Punch - Bolivian President Evo Morales lost the referendum last Sunday that could have given him the ability to run for re-election in 2019. The margin was small, but the implications are huge: Bolivia’s longest standing and most popular president finally has an end date for his time in power, on January 22, 2020. The lead up to the election was brutal, with an array of corruption scandals and conflicts, the most tragic of which was a protest last Wednesday against the opposition-controlled mayor’s office that resulted in a fire leading to six deaths.

US Secretly Targeted Evo Morales Of Bolivia

By Ryan Grim and Nick Wing in The Huffington Post - The United States has secretly indicted top officials connected to the government of Bolivian President Evo Morales for their alleged involvement in a cocaine trafficking scheme. The indictments, secured in a U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration sting called "Operation Naked King," have not been previously reported. Morales, a former leader of Bolivia's coca growers union, has long been at loggerheads with the DEA. In 2008, Morales expelled the agency from the country and embarked on his own strategy of combatting drug trafficking, acknowledging the traditional uses of coca in Bolivian culture and working cooperatively with coca growers to regulate some legal activity and to promote alternative development elsewhere. Morales' plan has been effective at reducing cultivation, according to the United Nations.