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World Wars

Ukraine And Revolution

The real enemy of any government or regime, in the last analysis, is its own people. They are who rulers fear most. That is accordingly why so much effort is devoted by rulers to propaganda, primarily designed to sustain the myth there exists a national interest to which all are bound, regardless of socioeconomic status or one’s actual life experience.  In truth there is no such thing as a  “national interest.” Only the interests of the dominant class of rulers matters.  Thus heavy lies the crown, and lightly is tread the line between legitimacy and illegitimacy.

Imperialism Makes Mockery Of The United Nations General Assembly

Next year will represent the 80th anniversary of the formation of the United Nations Organization in San Francisco which took place in the immediate aftermath of World War II. Since 1945 the composition of the organization has been transformed as a direct result of the successes of the national liberation movements and socialist revolutions that came to power from the late 1940s through the modern period. In its earliest phase, the overwhelming number of governments represented at the UN were colonial powers which welded political and economic power based upon the outcomes of the victories of the war. The bulk of the military clashes during the Second Imperialist War were in Europe, North Africa, Asia and the Asia-Pacific.

This Is Not Another ‘Phoney War’

Amid the tit-for-tats along Israel’s border with Lebanon over the past few weeks, the Houthis’ shelling of Red Sea traffic and repeated assertions that the U.S. does not want to widen the Gaza crisis into a regional war, I started thinking of that twilit interim in 1939–1940 known in history as “the phony war.” Has the world entered another such passage—another war we do not want to think is a war but is a war we do not want to see? That question seems far away now, an intellectual flinch. America, mindlessly loyal to the frothing dog known as Israel, has wandered into another war the way our president wanders away from podiums and off television news programs while the cameras are still rolling.

At 11:00 On 11/11 Remember That WWIII Is No More Needed Than The First Two

At the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis it was generally permissible in the United States to say you supported negotiations for peace and disarmament — I mean without declaring your hatred for China or liberals or black people. Had it not been so, we might not be here to talk about it. But it was not so at the time of World War I. At that time, you could get locked in prison for peace talk. Had there been nuclear weapons at the time, we might not be here to talk about it. It’s useful, after over a century of continuing to use war as the preferred means of ending war, to remember momentarily what The Great War was — that it was a whole new level of imbecilic horror, that it was a huge leap forward in the ability to kill, employed not only against — among others — “white” people, but also employed mostly from the ground — not yet from such a distance that those doing it could avoid seeing it.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! 

Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.