Manning Guilty of Espionage, Not Guilty of Aiding The Enemy
Bradley Manning has been found not guilty of the most serious charge he faced, aiding the enemy, but still faces up to 130 years in prison after being found guilty on several counts of theft and espionage. The military judge hearing the case, Army Col. Denise Lind, gave her verdict at 1pm on Tuesday, July 30th, 2013. The aiding the enemy charge was the most serious, as it carried a maximum sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole. However Manning could still face an effective life sentence after being convicted on numerous other counts. He was found guilty of five charges of theft and five charges of espionage as well as other offenses. His convictions carry a maximum sentence of up to 130 years in prison. Manning's sentencing hearing will begin tomorrow. It is expected that the sentencing hearings will take all of the month of August.