What I Mailed To Sheldon Whitehouse And Joe McNamara About Roe v Wade
We as activists and advocates of a woman’s right to abortion care in America are in a real fight right now. I propose that we see Kaye’s film as a useful tool of education and use it to help activate people to 1) pressure Whitehouse to stall the confirmation of a new Supreme Court justice; and 2) pressure McNamara and the rest of the Democratic Party leadership to re-convene the General Assembly so to codify and protect a woman’s right to choose in the Ocean State. This task requires a serious amount of hard conversations and deep talks with family and friends, neighbors and coworkers, as well as political opposites, so to make this happen. The trends of history are on our side, despite the developments within the Supreme Court. First, recent polling has shown conclusively in the past 5 years that public opinion is solidly pro-choice [1][2].