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Gas Export Decision Stirs Debate Over Mass. Pipeline Need

By Bruce Gellerman for WBUR - Earlier this month, the U.S. Department of Energy approved plans permitting companies to export gas from Massachusetts to Canada and beyond. Opponents of the construction of two new natural gas pipelines in Massachusetts claim the DOE’s decision demonstrates that the state already has enough natural gas and doesn’t need new pipelines. But proponents say building the new pipelines — costing $8 billion — will actually save ratepayers money and secure the region’s energy future.

Three Arrested As Sunoco Logistics Clears Forest In Huntingdon

By Coryn Wolk for Clean Air - Huntingdon, PA - Backed by Huntingdon County sheriff’s deputies, Sunoco Logistics Partners’ chainsaws cut a swath through forest that the Gerhart family had protected for decades, clearing the way for the Mariner East 2 pipeline. By March 30 the 3-acre right-of-way was almost entirely cleared, aside from two trees occupied by protesters on platforms high above the ground and some adjacent trees. One of the tree-sitters is Elise Gerhart, whose mother, property owner Ellen Gerhart, was arrested along with two others.

Protestors Takes To Trees As Pipeline’s Chainsaws Approach

By Reid Frazier for The Allegheny Front - As the chain saws revved nearby, Elise Gerhart was literally up a tree Tuesday protesting a pipeline slated to course through her family’s wooded property. Gerhart, 29, of Huntingdon, and about 20 protesters coalesced around the Gerhart property as a work crew—chaperoned by local sheriff’s officers—took down trees along the property. Two protesters were arrested as the work crews cleared land for Sunoco Logistics’ Mariner East 2 pipeline, which will carry natural gas liquids from Ohio, West Virginia and western Pennsylvania to the Philadelphia area.

Sabal Pipeline Project Files 160 Eminent Domain Lawsuits

By Paul Brinkmann for Orlando Sentinal - The project, called the Sabal Trail Transmission pipeline, is targeting 25 properties in Central Florida, mostly in Osceola County. The pipeline company began filing the suits in federal court last week. Wealthy and famous landowners are among the targets, including fitness celebrity Brenda Dykgraaf, who owns vacant land in the path of the pipeline near Reunion. Another suit seeks to slice through the middle of the proposed Greenpointe Communities plan for 2,400 homes near Intercession City in Osceola County.

Pipeline Lawsuit Called ‘Aggressive,’ Precedent-Setting

By Richie Davis for the Recorder. Pointing to Tennessee Gas. Pipeline Co.’s suit against the state over a proposed natural gas pipeline through state-protected forest in Sandisfield, state Rep. Stephen Kulik said Friday he plans to call for the Massachusetts House to file a “friend of the court” brief in the case. He said the constitutional provision, called Article 97, will also likely come into play in the controversial Northeast Energy Direct pipeline through eight Franklin County towns. The pipeline company asserts that its Federal Energy Regulatory Commission approval for its Berkshire County route supercedes the state’s constitutional protection of conservation land there. Kulik called TGP’s plans to override state constitutional protections of open space “probably the greatest overstepping of FERC’s bounds that I can imagine."

Carbon Infrastructure Protests Grow Too Big To Ignore

By John Schwartz for the NY Times. The demonstration was part of a wave of actions across the nation that combines traditional not-in-my-backyard protests against fossil-fuel projects with an overarching concern about climate change. Bound together through social media, networks of far-flung activists are opposing virtually all new oil, gas and coal infrastructure projects. The protests are having some impact. The engineering consultants Black and Veatch recently published a report that said the most significant barrier to building new pipeline capacity was “delay from opposition groups.” Activists regularly protest at the headquarters of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in Washington, but there have also been sizable protests in places like St. Paul and across the Northeast.

Anti-Pipeline March Draws All Ages

By Diane Broncaccio for The Recorder - ASHFIELD — At least 100 people walked through fog, rain, a bit of hail, and sunshine Thursday during the first leg of what is to be a 46-mile, four-day journey from the site of a proposed Tennessee Gas Pipeline compressor station in Windsor to another compressor station slated for Northfield, should the proposed Northeast Energy Direct gas pipeline become a reality. Carrying backpacks and “Stop the Pipeline” signs, marchers piled into the Ashfield Congregational Church for a hot meal prepared by the community.

ResistAIM Pipeline Group Interrupts FERC Meeting

By ResistAIM Pipeline. On Thursday March, 17, 2016 at 11:05 AM, ResistAIM Pipeline, a group of concerned New York State (NYS) residents, led by Nancy Vann - a Peekskill landowner whose property was taken by Spectra for pipeline construction - stood up in the monthly public meeting of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to ask the commissioners why they have ignored NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo’s urgent request to immediately halt construction on Spectra Energy's Algonquin Incremental Market (AIM) project. Governor Cuomo directed four NYS agencies to conduct an independent safety assessment of the AIM Pipeline and its proximity to Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant. The Governor told the New York Times, “​The safety of New Yorkers is the first responsibility of state government when making any decision​.”

She Helped Save Her Town. Then She Finished High School.

By Chris Clarke for KCET - Residents along the Ventura Coast are no strangers to oil and gas development. Oil drilling has been a part of life along the Santa Barbara Channel since 1896, with gigantic oil rigs sprouting offshore in the late 1960s. But when an Australian energy company proposed to build a floating terminal 13 miles off Point Dume into a massive terminal for imported Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), and send the gas through the working-class community of Oxnard via a 36-inch pipeline, that was a step too far.

Survival Under Threat, Canada’s Indigenous Unite Against Tar Sands Pipelines

By Nika Knight for Common Dreams - Indigenous people in Canada are rising up together in greater numbers than ever before to oppose tar sands pipelines on their traditional territory, forming fierce coalitions to oppose pro-oil regional governments and fossil fuel industry officials who are pushing for more tar sands infrastructure. "An alliance of indigenous nations, from coast to coast, is being formed against all the pipeline, rail and tanker projects that would make possible the continued expansion of tar sands," Grand Chief Serge Otsi Simon of the Mohawk Kanesatake First Nation wrote to the Quebec premier in a letter dated March 9...

Mohawks Threaten To Block Energy East

By Philip Authier for Montreal Gazette - The Mohawk nation is threatening to do everything legally in its power to block the Energy East pipeline project, calling it a threat to their way of life. Despite perceptions opposition to the project is harboured mainly by mayors in Quebec, a Mohawk-driven Canadian First Nations movement against the project is picking up steam in other parts of the country. Besides the official opposition of the Assembly of First Nations Quebec and Labrador representing 43 Quebec chiefs, the list against TransCanada’s pipeline now includes the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs...

Independent Journalists Put Spotlight On FERC

By Faith Meckley for Faith Meckley - I traveled to New Milford, Pennsylvania on March 3 to meet a family who was in the process of losing the quiet woodlands on land they have owned for three generations. After refusing to cut a deal for their property with the company building the Constitution Pipeline, the company used eminent domain to forcibly take the land and begin cutting down trees. The Constitution Pipeline was approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, an agency responsible for reviewing and approving liquefied natural gas terminals, interstate natural gas pipelines, and hydropower projects.

A Hollow Victory For Williams Partners

Ted Glick for Ted Glick - The Constitution Pipeline Company, aka Williams Partners, came in force onto the Holleran family land in New Milford, Pa. yesterday. Federal marshals armed with assault rifles accompanied workers armed with chain saws across the open field up to where the woods began. Talk about overkill. Talk about exposing the ugly truth of how things really work in the gas industry. Supporters of the Hollerans had painted “freedom flags” in red, white and blue onto about 14 trees right at the edge of the field.

Sub-Zero Temperatures Do Not Stop Pipeline Protest Walk

By Stop Bershire Gas. Despite below zero temperatures, some 60 walkers from central Massachusetts and Vermont made their way through Greenfield on President’s Day to oppose the Berkshire Gas moratorium and the proposed Kinder-Morgan Northeast Direct Pipeline. Led by Jennifer Caron of Wendell and anchored by Sister Clare Carter and Brother Toby Keyes of Leverett’s New England Peace Pagoda, walkers joined some 20 picketers at Berkshire Gas offices on Mill Street where demonstrators stood vigil with colorful banners and signs. In all, walkers covered about five miles from Greenfield Community College via the Berkshire Gas office to First Church Congregational on Silver Street where church volunteers offered lunch to all participants. “I was afraid cold weather would keep people away,” said Hattie Nestel. “But they showed up. This demonstrates the strength of convictions against the pipeline."

Judge Clears Way For Trees To Be Cut Down For Pipeline

By Clay Lepard for 16 WNEP - SCRANTON -- A company was given the approval by a federal judge to cut down dozens of maple trees in Susquehanna County so a new gas pipeline could be built. But several families have protested because they are trying to protect the trees and their maple syrup business. The standoff led to a showdown Friday in federal court. Natural gas company Williams is trying to put in a pipeline through Susquehanna County to link natural gas to New York and New England customers.

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