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Tax Resistance

Tax Resistance Movement Grows In Response To US Support For Genocide

Since October 7, 2023, the slaughter of Gaza has played out on phone screens across the world and those following have seen indescribable images of violence. For many, beneath the experience of bearing witness to genocide is the awareness that, as Americans, it is our tax dollars funding the butchering of a nation. With this knowledge, more Americans are coming to the conclusion that they can no longer pay for the weapons and other support going directly to Israel, a settler colony that has murdered over 40,000 Palestinian people in Gaza over the past six months.

Campaigners Are Planning A Tax-Strike For Gaza

The No Tax for Genocide campaign, which launched on Thursday, wants 100,000 people to pledge to withhold income and council tax. The group estimates this could deprive the Treasury of £700m in a year. Inspired by the Don’t Pay campaign, which may have forced the government to freeze energy prices in 2022 by threatening a strike, the group claims that paying taxes to the British government amounts to aiding and abetting genocide, and could be illegal under international law. Withholding tax, on the other hand, could be legal under certain circumstances, it claims. 

Tax Resisters Divert Their Money From War To Human Welfare

President Biden’s foreign policy to date is largely indistinguishable from Trump’s. His administration hasn’t reversed tortuous sanctions against Iran, the United States continues to bomb Somalia, and there’s no indication that the U.S. will shutter any of its 800 military bases around the world. In February, Biden authorized airstrikes in Syria, killing at least 22 people. His “national security” team is as hawkish as they come. Biden broke with Trump’s policies when he announced that the U.S. would leave Afghanistan by September 11, 2021, continuing the military presence there four months later than the May 1 deadline Trump set with the Taliban. Biden’s record indicates that people in the imperial core will need to take it upon themselves to throw a wrench in the war machine.

Tax Day Protests Highlight Refusal to Pay for War

By Staff for National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee. From now through the last day to file federal income taxes on Tuesday, April 18, hundreds of people across the United States are taking public action to call for a change in federal budget priorities away from military spending and toward human and environmental needs. Individually and in groups, many of these concerned activists will divest from war by refusing to pay some or all of their federal income taxes. “Survival demands better ideas, not better weapons,” say members of the Raytheon Peacemakers, who will hold an urgent peace vigil on Tax Day, April 18, at the gates of Raytheon Missile Systems in Tucson, Arizona. Raytheon stock prices climbed after their missiles struck targets in Syria on April 6. Jack Cohen-Joppa of the Peacemakers says, “Our federal and local taxes have supported the expansion of this plant to produce weapons that are Tucson’s largest export. Tucson needs good paying jobs, but we should not 'develop’ our own community by destroying others around the world.”

Tax Protest: Refusing To Pay Income Taxes In The Trump Era

By Staff for the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee, Tax refusal has a long history in the U.S., from the Boston Tea Party, to Thoreau’s refusal of the poll tax collected for the Mexican-American War, to widely practiced tax resistance during the Vietnam War. Refusal to pay taxes for war has been continually practiced since World War II, at times by only small groups of pacifists; at other times, such as before and since the invasion of Iraq, by thousands opposed to war. Today the National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee (NWTRCC) calls on U.S. taxpayers to reinvigorate this form of resistance in order to challenge federal policies, spending priorities, and actions. We oppose Trump administration plans to boost the Pentagon budget and cut social spending. In addition, the Department of Homeland Security (border and immigration control, and the 1033 program that sends military weapons to local police forces) and the Energy Department (nuclear weapons), among other agencies, are major parts of the military budget.
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