Pipeline Opposition Growing In Craig Co., Virginia
Opposition to a proposed pipeline that would pass through Craig County is growing, and a group of concerned citizens has organized and plans to present a petition to the Craig County Board of Supervisors at its March 5 meeting.
Citizens to Preserve Craig County, the same group that organized to stop a 765 kV electrical line from being built in Craig County in the 1990s, is now banding together against the proposed 36-42-inch in diameter Mountain Valley Pipeline and other natural gas lines that might pass through the county. Citizens to Preserve Craig County has posted a petition online at http://www.petitionbuzz.com/petitions/preservecraigcounty and printed hard copies that are available to sign at local businesses like J’s Market and The Emporium. The petition asks the Craig County Board of Supervisors to oppose the pipeline’s construction.
An email containing the petition and other information about Mountain Valley Pipeline, a joint venture between EQT Corporation and NextEra U.S. Gas Assets, was sent to 300 people Sunday, and Wolf reported that as of Monday morning the group had already solicited around 100 signatures.