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Acting On Bill Ayers’ Radical Manifesto

By David Swanson for Let's Try Democracy - Bill Ayers' short new book, Demand the Impossible: A Radical Manifesto, is different from the typical liberal view of a better world in two ways. First, its goals are a bit grander, more inspiring. Second, it adds as the first and most important goal one that others don't include at all. A typical proposal that a lesser evilist might give for "voting against Donald Trump" might include minor economic or police or prison reforms, a bit of environmentalism, healthcare, or education.

There Is No Future In War: Youth Manifesto

We, the youth of the United States of America, oppose war. We oppose war not because we don’t care about the rest of the world; we oppose war precisely because we do. We oppose war not because we don’t care about our security; we oppose war precisely because we do. We oppose war not because we don’t care about our troops; we oppose war precisely because we do. We oppose war not because we aren’t concerned with our future; we oppose war precisely because we do. There is no future in war. We, the youth of America, are taking a stand against war and reclaiming our future. War does not work. Period.

‘Gaza Youth Manifesto’ Cries Out For Peace

Below are two manifestos from Gaza youth, the top one written this year, the original written in 2011. They are crying out for peace and justice, obviously feel trapped from many directions. Share their call. Let the world know. Gaza Youth to Planet Earth! Anyone out there? “Gaza what?” The previous manifesto seems to have grown bigger than expected; many supported us, many others stood firmly against us, and very few stayed indifferent. Everyone had an opinion, yet rarely did they listen to others’ and in the middle of that mess, our own voice remained unheard. Secular, Islamophobic, Dividing, Conspiratorial, Imaginary (?); we’ve been called by so many names, stopped counting and started crying. Both our supporters and those who swore to tear us down seem to have stopped at ONE thing in our manifesto: “Fuck Israel. Fuck Hamas. Fuck Fatah. Fuck UN. Fuck UNRWA. Fuck USA!”. And no matter how hard we tried to explain on our Facebook page, in vain.

Ecuador Buen Conocer Summit Declaration

Table 1: Open Educational Resources Education is a common. It has to be open and free access, as a mean to maximize the participation of all people in social knowledge economy. When we talk about open education we talk not only about ICT. Access to educational resources (tangible and intangible) must be released under open licenses. Free access must be ensured distributing repositories via Internet, intranet or other means. Education systems must recognize learning by formal and informal experiences, at any stage of life. All work done with public funds should have open and free license and access. It is necessary to strengthen and create learning communities as a strategy for knowledge production and social economy. Table 2: Open Science Science should be accessible to everyone, being the requirement for open data, processes and results of scientific research and its management through free licenses and open protocols and formats, as well as construction of a collaborative scientific commons platforms, and knowledge banks repositories. Only in that way we can guarantee the development of human capabilities and access to resources, processes, and scientific results and also the transparency in the management of this aspects.