Lancaster, Pennsylvania: Locals Take Over Pipeline Office, Then Occupy Drill Rig
A busload of fifty local residents took over the field offices of Williams/Transco at 805 Estelle Drive, Suite 101, in Lancaster. We dropped a 12 foot stretch of pipeline in Williams’s meeting room, sang songs through the hallways, and slapped a Condemnation Notice on the door before leaving. When a Williams employee complained about our visit, one of our residents deadpanned: “Sucks to be invaded, doesn’t it?” Our message was simple and direct: we the people, whose lives and land are under assault by this toxic pipeline, openly defy the “right” of dirty energy giants to profit at the expense of our health, safety, water, and land. From there, the bus headed down to southern Lancaster County where Williams is drilling under the Conestoga River and desecrating federally recognized indigenous graves.