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Police abuse

Activists the US Military Targeted & Spied Upon Were Designated ‘Domestic Terrorists

Brendan Dunn and Jeffery Berryhill, who both helped organize actions, including nonviolent civil disobedience, as part of Port Militarization Resistance (PMR) from 2006 to 2009 in Olympia and Tacoma, Washington, were listed in the domestic terrorist database. Dunn and Berryhill and two other activists were listed with “their photographs, contact information, identifying personal information and false information claiming a propensity for violence and property destruction.” The lawsuit is currently in the discovery phase, where evidence is being put together for a civil trial, but it is a remarkable case because it is proceeding forward because the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last December the military could be sued for damages for spying on activists.

Muslim Teens Allegedly Beaten By NYPD In Bronx Park

The girls recounted that the cops followed them out of the park, and one grabbed Wilson from behind, putting her in a chokehold and wrestling her to the ground. "They said they asked for ID. I didn't hear them," reported Wilson. When her sister protested, she was also thrown to the ground, and both sisters' headscarves were ripped off. "I kept saying, 'I'm 14! What are you doing? We're not bad kids,'" explained Wilson. When their 15-year-old brother, Shytike Wilson, saw the police assaulting his younger sisters from a window, he ran to their aid. "I asked them why my sisters were in handcuffs," he said, when the police, "charged me, picked me up, and slammed me on the floor."

NYPD Officer Charged With Felonies For Unlawful Arrest Of NY Times Photographer

The New York City police officer that arrested a New York Times photographer has been indicted on three felony counts and five misdemeanor counts for fabricating the cause of the arrest. Officer Michael Ackermann, 30, was charged with tampering with public records, falsifying business records, official misconduct and making a false written statement, police told CBS New York. If convicted, he faces termination from his job at the NYPD. If convicted of the most serious charge alone – tampering with evidence – he faces up to seven years in prison. On August 4, 2012, Ackermann arrested 44-year-old Robert Stolarik, a New York Times photographer who was taking pictures of a police response to a fight in the Councourse neighborhood of the Bronx.

Taking Direct Action To Make Dr. King’s Dream A Reality

Another travesty was the speech of Attorney General Holder who used the FBI to frame, arrest and brutally drive the Occupy Movement off America’s streets while he and Obama are bending over backwards to protect corporate power. How many bankers have been jailed compared to those of us participating in peaceful occupations? We are watching our civil liberties disappear as each day exposes another elaborate domestic surveillance operation. The type of COINTELPRO techniques used by the FBI and other agencies to disrupt and ultimately murder Martin Luther King.Jr because of his dream continue to be implemented by Holder’s FBI.

Young Black Man Tackled, Immobilized and Jailed for Singing

The Solidarity Sing Along continues to grow in Madison. Walker's palace guards are obviously getting frustrated, as the press is breaking less and less in their favor. Generally speaking, folks don't think that people should get arrested, handcuffed, dragged down the hallway, processed and fined or jailed merely for singing historical protest songs. Instead of dialing their aggression back a little, the police went whole hog today, taking down two young African American singers, and dealing with one of them with a vehemence and force that can only be described as excessive.

Obama Does Not Support Changes To Medical Marijuana Laws

White House spokesman Josh Earnest was asked for the second day in a row if CNN chief medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta's recent reversal on medical marijuana useand apology for misleading the public had had any bearing on Obama's position on the issue. Whereas Earnest declined to answer the question on Tuesday, he confirmed Wednesday that the president does not believe any changes should be made to medical marijuana laws "at this point." The Marijuana Policy Project, the nation's largest advocacy group for marijuana legalization, said it was "encouraged" that Obama doesn't think targeting individual marijuana users should be a priority, but called on the president to reconsider the issue of legalization. "We hope President Obama will continue to examine the evidence surrounding marijuana and pay particular attention to the fact that it is objectively less harmful than alcohol. If he remains objective, he will eventually support the only logical conclusion, which is that marijuana prohibition has failed and it's time for a more sensible approach," said MPP spokesman Mason Tvert.

Obama DEA Terrorizing Cannabis Dispensaries

The Drug Enforcement Administration in cooperation with a patchwork of Michigan state law enforcement entities has, over the past three weeks, conducted a series of cannabis dispensary searches in the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti areas that have been described by the press as “smash and grab” raids. The series of raids, including two just last week, are characterized by groups of federal drug agents, sometimes supported by local or state police, swooping into cannabis pharmacies in unmarked vans and SUVs with no sirens or flashing lights. The federal agents’ flash Michigan state warrants and seize cannabis plants and cash. In a series of raids beginning on July 30, agents did not leave copies of the state warrants at the three cannabis pharmacies that were raided.

Churches Threatened With Arrest For Feeding The Homeless

This morning we showed up at Moore Square at 9:00 a.m., just like we have done virtually every Saturday and Sunday for the last six years. We provide, without cost or obligation, hot coffee and a breakfast sandwich to anyone who wants one. We keep this promise to our community in cooperation with five different large suburban churches that help us with manpower and funding. Today officers from Raleigh Police Department prevented us from doing our work, for the first time ever. An officer said, quite bluntly, that if we attempted to distribute food, we would be arrested.

Police Crack Down On Burning Man, Unprecedented Show Of Force

In response to this unprecedented show of force, volunteers and workers nearby are calling for a general strike, with some of them organizing and refusing to set up the festival until the police promise to keep off the playa and let the Burning Man crew handle security inside the event. In a recent interview a spokesperson for the group “Reform In Our Time” said that: “Our demands are simple: We want law enforcement excluded….. The problem is a huge growth in outside law enforcement officers invading the playa, not the money it costs. We would really appreciate them if they stayed outside and only came in when we really wanted them to.

New York City Council Curbs Stop-and-Frisk

The New York City Council defied Mayor Michael Bloomberg on the issue of police power on Thursday, overturning his veto on a measure to curb the stop-and-frisk policy that he argues is necessary to fight crime. The council passed another measure, also opposed by the mayor, that would create a watchdog to monitor the New York Police Department. The two bills are aimed at restricting police use of the stop-and-frisk policy in which officers in high-crime areas stop people on the basis of reasonable suspicion that they could be engaged in criminal activity. The policy, strongly defended by Bloomberg, has come under increasing criticism, particularly from a federal judge who ruled it unconstitutional earlier this month.

Police Move From Undercover Busts To Serving The People At Seattle Hempfest

This year the police at the Seattle Hempfest are in an new environment. It has been a gradual process. In November 1998, Washington State vote to legalize the medical use of marijuana voting for Initiative 692 by 59%. California was the first state to allow medical use with a vote in 1996. In 2003, the people of Seattle voted by 58% to make marijuana enforcement the lowest police priority. People said after the law was passed, if the police saw someone jaywalking and someone with marijuana, they would focus their attention on the jaywalker. In 2012, the state voted on Initiative 502 and by 56% voted for legalization and regulation of marijuana. Throughout this time the Seattle Hempfest continued to work to change the culture and put a new face on cannabis culture. The hempfest is 22 years old in 2013.

Zapatistas on Justice: It Is Not About Money

With so many of their comrades having being murdered by people who are never punished, or else get exonerated and released (like the ones who committed the Acteal massacre), Zapatistas know about corruption in the capitalistic judicial system. They know about comrades being arrested under false charges, tortured, forced to sign false confession statements, judged by corrupted judges and serving lifetime condemns for crimes they did not commit. Criminals like the brother of Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari, accused of drug smuggling and unlawful enrichment (more than $120 millions US DOLLARS), has just been exonerated of all his crimes two weeks ago, while rural Zapatista teacher Alberto Patishtán still serves an illegal sentence for crimes he did not commit. So Zapatistas know about justice being bought. That’s why they developed mechanisms to create a judicial system that is not about money.

Call 911 Too Often And You’ll Get Evicted

In Pennsylvania and other states, police can force landlords to evict tenants who officers consider to be a nuisance. According to the New York Times, under so-called “nuisance property” laws, individuals like domestic violence victim Lakisha Briggs of Norristown, PA can be told by police that if they call 911 one more time, they’ll be forced out of their homes. The nuisance ordinances are intended to protect residential neighborhoods from rowdy, disruptive households, but in cases like Briggs’, they can leave victims of violence in an impossible situation, needing to call for help, but knowing it could cost them their home. Under the laws, officials can bring pressure to bear on landlords to evict a tenant if they’ve been called to a rental property more than three times in a four month period.

VIDEO: Acronym TV Weekly Resistance Report 004

Stories covered in the Resistance Report: Egypt: What Role Did The U.S. Play in the Military Coup? Wherein I ask ret. Col. Ann Wright if the U.S. is behind the Military Coup in Egypt. Dream Defenders Declare Victory 31 Days and 30 nights, and the work have just begun. Moral Monday's Power Change something is happening here. And here. And here, and.... Stop and Frisk Declared Unconstitutional! Sorry Bloomberberg, but you suck! Fukushima: Japan's Apocalypse Continues Armageddon NOW! Bradley Manning Apology: An Interview with Alexa O'Brien. What does Manning's Apology really mean?

SWAT Team Used To Attack Organic Farm In Texas

At around seven thirty last Friday morning, inhabitants of The Garden of Eden, a small Intentional Community based on Sustainability, were awakened by a SWAT raid conducted by the City of Arlington for suspicion of being a full fledged marijuana growth and trafficking operation. Ultimately only a single arrest was made based on unrelated outstanding traffic violations, a handful of citations were given for city code violations, and zero drug related violations were found. The entire operation lasted about 10 hours and involved many dozens of city officials, SWAT team, police officers and code compliance employees, and numerous official vehicles including dozens of police cars and several specialized vehicular equipment that was involved in the “abatement” operation. Witnesses say that there were helicopters and unmanned flying drones circling the property in the days prior to the raid that are presumed to have been a part of the intelligence gathering. The combined expenses for the raid itself and the collection of information leading up to the fruitless raid are estimated in the tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars.

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Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

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Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

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