Free Your Voice Occupies MDE To Demand They Uphold Law
By Destiny Watford. Baltimore, MD - Yesterday was an intense and powerful display of commitment to our basic human rights. Nearly 200 people gathered at the Maryland Department of the Environment Headquarters to follow up on the 1000's of Marylanders calling upon MDE to enforce the law regarding the trash burning incinerator's expired permit. The plan was simple - we would form a single file line and one by one we all would drop off hand cut sunflower petitions and comments directly to MDE.
What happened next was shocking. Instead of welcoming residents who have taken the time to participate and express their views on an issue of great concern - MDE locked us out with security posted at the front gate to "greet" us by telling us to go away. We did not go away. Instead we stood strong guided by what drives us - the call for justice.