Protests Across the Country In Response To Police Killings
By Staff for Popular Resistance. In response to the police killings of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, LA and Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota there were protests held in many cities across the country. The New York Times reported "Baton Rouge Is Passionate, and Peaceful, After Shooting of Alton Sterling" writing:
The protest of the fatal police shooting of a CD vendor here in Louisiana’s capital had many of the trappings of similar flare-ups around the country: blaring music, young men with faces obscured by bandannas, and obscene and brutal sentiments directed toward the local police department, on angry tongues and homemade placards.
But as Wednesday night’s street rally flowed into Thursday morning, it had managed to be as peaceful as it was passionate. In Minnesoata, outrage grew over the death of Philando Castile, killed in a traffic stop. The video of the aftermath published on Facebook by his girlfriend after the shooting went viral and caused immediate reactions. The police did not even check for a pulse or administer first aid.