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Regime Change

The ‘Venezuelan People’ Are Whoever Agrees With Donald Trump

The latest bizarre episode in the Trump presidency is currently playing out in Venezuela. Just weeks after President Nicolás Maduro’s inauguration, Trump officially recognized Juan Guaidó, the 35-year-old head of the National Assembly—a man who has never even run for president—as the rightful head of state. A White House statement (1/29/19) announced, “President Trump stands with the people of Venezuela as they demand democracy, human rights and prosperity denied to them by Maduro,” noting that the “people” had “courageously spoken out,” and that the US would pursue increased sanctions on the country.

US Tightens The Noose On Venezuela: Will The Coup Succeed?

Washington's efforts to remove the Venezuelan government, an imperialist coup attempt, proceed apace. On 26 January, the US announced sanctions on PDVSA and seized assets from the Venezuelan oil company. This is a very serious blow to the Venezuelan economy and government. It is clear that the Trump administration thinks it has a window of opportunity and it is going in for the kill. However, so far, the coup attempt has not managed to get any support from the armed forces and the latest opposition street protest was a flop. What are the perspectives for this imperialist aggression and how can it be effectively combatted?

Internal US Gov’t Document Outlines Program Of ‘Economic Warfare’ On Venezuela

Venezuela has suffered from an economic crisis in recent years, and while the US government and corporate media outlets have blamed this hardship solely on the ruling socialist party, internal US government documents acknowledge that Washington has been using what it clearly describes as “financial weapons” to wage “economic warfare” on the oil-rich South American nation. The quiet admission confirms what Caracas’ government has said for years: The United States is waging an economic war on Venezuela, the country with the world’s largest oil reserves.

Trump’s Coup in Venezuela: The Full Story

The US-sponsored coup in Venezuela, still ongoing as I write, is the latest chapter in the long and bloody history of US imperialism in Latin America. This basic fact, understood by most across the left of the political spectrum – including even the chattering liberal class which acknowledges this truth only with the passage of time and never in the moment – must undergird any analysis of the situation in Venezuela today. That is to say, the country is being targeted by the Yanqui Empire. This point is, or at least should be, indisputable irrespective of one’s opinions of Venezuelan President Maduro, the Socialist Party (PSUV), or the progress of the Bolivarian Revolution.

86% Of Venezuelans Oppose Military Intervention, 81% Are Against U.S. Sanctions, Local Polling Shows

January 29, 2019 "Information Clearing House" -    More than eight out of ten Venezuelans oppose international intervention, both military and non-military, in their country, as well as the crippling sanctions imposed by the United States to force leftist President Nicolás Maduro out of power. According to a study conducted in early January 2019 by the local polling firm Hinterlaces, 86 percent of Venezuelans would disagree with international military intervention. And 81 percent oppose the US sanctions that have gravely hurt the South American nation’s economy.

Our Venezuela Coup: The Who, What, Why From Censored Perspectives

A special look at the situation in Venezuela from outside the corporate media; here's the scoop you NEED to hear, the empire's ills laid bare, and how we must activate to take on the violent bi-partisan machine that profits off of the suffering of millions. Indeed, we have more in common with the people of Venezuela than we do with our government. And it is this solidarity we must recognize in order to shift our horrific foreign policy.

The Threats Are Real We Must Stop War With Venezuela & End The Economic War

The trumpets of regime change have sounded, and the drums of a possible war are beating against Venezuelan democracy. Provocations hitherto unimagined threaten to plunge the whole region into chaos and strike a serious blow against popular democracy around the world. Venezuela’s foreign instigated coup attempt began with a phone call to from Vice President Mike Pence to the pretender, Juan Guaidó, giving the green light to a would-be “president” who has no legitimacy. The prospect of direct foreign intervention, including the military kind, is no longer just an option “on the table”. It is looming so largely that we must stop asking if the unthinkable is possible. Instead we must stop the unthinkable.

Four Gains Maduro’s Venezuela Made That Mainstream Media Ignores

Four years ago today, a former bus driver with humble working class origins became the President of Venezuela. Promising to continue the revolutionary legacy of deceased former president Hugo Chavez, Nicolas Maduro pledged to advance the living standards of Venezuela’s poor and oppressed. But since taking office in 2013, Maduro and the Bolivarian Revolution have faced non-stop attacks from Venezuela’s U.S.-backed right-wing opposition, making advancements difficult. Improving upon destabilization tactics used during Chavez’s administration, the opposition, it seems, has perfected the art of sabotage.

Eyewitness Account From Venezuela

One week after the attempted right-wing coup in Venezuela, Paul Dobson, a member of the Internal Department of the Venezuela Communist Party, described the situation across Venezuela as ‘entirely normal’.   All services were functioning.  Buses continued to run. People went to work.  Water supply continued.  Electricity was as before – including, as before, interruptions in supply of perhaps half an hour a week. Nor was there any shortage of essential goods or medicines in the shops although a few categories of specialist cancer drugs were off the shelves as a result of the US blockade.  The main problem was inflation – though wages were being increased in step.  

Venezuela – Trump’s Coup Plan Has Big Flaws

While U.S. coup plotting against Venezuela goes back to at least 1998 when the deceased President Chavez won his first election, the actual planning for this coup attempt was only done during the last two month. There are many holes in the plan and it involves a lot of wishful thinking. That might give the Maduro government openings to deflect the attack. More likely though the insufficient planning, based on false perceptions of the situation on the ground, will lead to demands for escalation and mission creep. Venezuela must thus immediately prepare for the worst.

US Seizes $7 Billion In Venezuelan Oil Assets

In addition to $7 billion in PDVSA assets in the US, the sanctions will affect $11 billion worth of exports over the coming year, Bolton said. The US buys a significant amount of Venezuelan oil, but Mnuchin said the sanctions would have "modest effect" on American refineries. He added that some of the oil that's been paid for is at sea, making its way to the US, but there will be no future purchases until regime change takes effect. Citgo will continue operating in the US, but all profits from its sales will have to go into a blocked account, which will only be made available to Guaido's government, the Treasury secretary explained.

The Making Of Juan Guaidó: How The US Regime Change Laboratory Created Venezuela’s Coup Leader

Before the fateful day of January 22, fewer than one in five Venezuelans had heard of Juan Guaidó. Only a few months ago, the 35-year-old was an obscure character in a politically marginal far-right group closely associated with gruesome acts of street violence. Even in his own party, Guaidó had been a mid-level figure in the opposition-dominated National Assembly, which is now held under contempt according to Venezuela’s constitution. But after a single phone call from from US Vice President Mike Pence, Guaidó proclaimed himself as president of Venezuela.

OAS Interventionist Resolution Against Venezuela Defeated

In a new episode of U.S. Interventionism in Latin America, the Organization of American States (OAS) held Thursday a session to affirm an interventionist declaration against the constitutional government of the president of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro and in favor of the unconstitutional and illegal actions of the Venezuelan right-wing who is supporting the self-proclaimed " interim president" Juan Guaido. A total of 18 countries rejected the interventionist statement proposed by Argentina, in a meeting headed by the United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. The statement urged the countries members of the OAS to recognize the opposition lawmaker Juan Guaido as president, who proclaimed himself in an act that is unconstitutional and void.

How The Organization Of American States Became An Agent Of Regime Change

With a Venezuelan opposition leader declaring himself the country’s president and the Trump administration appearing to back a coup, Venezuela is lurching toward a new phase of crisis. And that crisis could be worsened by hardline leadership at the Organization of American States (OAS), the world’s oldest and most influential regional organization. Luis Almagro, the OAS Secretary General, recently announced his bid for another 5-year term at the helm of the organization. That would be a major setback for good governance in the region.

US VP Pence Urges Venezuelans To Oust Maduro, Caracas Says ‘Yankee Go Home’

Merida, January 23, 2019 ( – President Nicolas Maduro has ordered a complete review of US-Venezuela relations after US Vice President Mike Pence published a video urging Venezuelans to overthrow the government. The video comes as both Chavista and opposition citizens take to the streets on a holiday commemorating the overthrowing of the Perez Jimenez military dictatorship on January 23, 1958. The Venezuelan opposition has claimed the date will be “historic” this year and a key step in the “transition” efforts.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! 

Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

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