By David Swanson, The Democratic Party's draft platform takes a government that spends over half of discretionary spending on militarism, as much as the rest of the world combined, with troops in most countries and seven wars underway, and says: Keep it going, only more so!
The Platform begins with support-the-troops propaganda, demanding military spending for the sake of the people recruited into the military, many of them of course for lack of the free college that the Democrats have left out of their platform.
"Support Our Troops and Keep Faith with Our Veterans," is the opening headline on foreign policy. The words under that headline have nothing to do with what it suggests. Wouldn't a platform be the place in which to take a position on continuing or ending the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Pakistan, Syria, and Yemen? The Platform simply accepts wars, makes a nod to being aware of their existence, and moves along. The Democrats speak not of aid or diplomacy or disarmament, but of the need to "Confront Global Threats." The failed, counterproductive war on terrorism would roll on