Oakland To Pay $654,000 To Vet Injured In Occupy Protests
The City Council on Tuesday agreed to pay $645,000 to settle the claim from an Iraq War veteran who was beaten by a police officer during an Occupy Oakland protest two years ago. The settlement with Kayvan Sabeghi, who suffered a ruptured spleen, is the largest awarded so far to anyone injured during a string of Occupy Oakland protests in late 2011 and early 2012.
In July, the city agreed to pay $1.17 million to resolve 12 Occupy-related claims -- including that of Scott Campbell, who filmed a police officer shooting him in the leg with a lead beanbag. An officer then confronted him, yelling, "Get out of here!" When Sabeghi continued to hold his ground, the officer began beating him with his baton.
Sabeghi was arrested and taken to jail before being taken to Highland Hospital. Oakland's legal bill from its handling of the 2011 Occupy protests should continue to grow. The case of Scott Olsen, a Marine veteran struck in the head and seriously injured by a less-than-lethal projectile, has not yet been settled.