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Regime Change

Why We Need The New Yorker To Correct Its Error On Venezuelan Inequality

My hat is off to Keane Bhatt, NACLA blogger and occasional Extra!contributor, for his tireless efforts to prod one of the United States’ most prestigious media outlets to live up to its professed standards of accuracy. The outlet is the New Yorker, a magazine whose name is practically synonymous with factchecking. It’s a tradition there; they brag about how seriously they take checking the facts. Which makes you wonder how Keane was able to find the glaring, major errors in the New Yorker‘s recent coverage of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, all perpetrated by longtime contributor Jon Lee Anderson.

Two Venezuelan Embassy Protectors Speak Out

“We denounce these arrests, as the people inside were there with our permission, and we consider it a violation of the Vienna Conventions” — Venezuelan Deputy Foreign Minister Carlos Ron. I was in Washington, D.C., most of the time between May 7 to May 19 to support the Venezuela solidarity activists of the “Embassy Protectors Collective.” They were staying inside the embassy at the invitation of the elected government, defending the sovereignty of the Venezuelan Embassy and the Venezuelan people.

How Venezuelans Turn To Collective Action To Defy US Blockade

A response in the form of collective action is part of how the Venezuelans resist to sanctions, with song, smiles, and confidence they seem to be undeterred to fight for the Bolivarian ideals, despite U.S. imperialism. As the United States government intensifies its unilateral coercive measures against Venezuela, its people have turned to one another to push ahead and deal with economic sanctions. Local Colectivos (Collectives) and demonstrations of popular support have come to represent the unbreakable will of the Bolivarian Republic.

Kremlin Says Russian Military Specialists Are Still In Venezuela, Contradicting Trump Tweet

The Kremlin said on Tuesday it didn't know where U.S. President Donald Trump had got the idea Moscow had removed most of its military specialists from Venezuela, who it said continued to work there. Trump tweeted on Monday that Russia had told the United States it had removed "most of their people" from Venezuela, where Moscow has maintained close military and economic ties with socialist President Nicolas Maduro. His statement caused a stir because, if true, it would mark a significant setback for Maduro, whom Washington is keen to dislodge and whom the Kremlin has steadfastly stood by.

Meet The DC Tenants’ Advocacy Group Taking A Stand… For Regime Change And War

The Embassy Protection Collective swallowed a lot of tough pills over its month-long stint to keep the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, DC out of the hands of wealthy opposition expats. But somehow this one stung more than usual. Embassy protectors had spent at least two weeks surrounded on all sides by dozens of pro-Juan Guaidó fanatics blaring airhorns, shining high powered lasers in their eyes, and physically assaulting anyone who attempted to deliver food or water to them. And then, the Trump administration had ordered PEPCO to remove power to the building.

Venezuela Is A Case Study In The Brutality Of U.S. Sanctions

On May 8, nearly a year to the day since the U.S. pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal, the Trump administration slapped a fresh round of sanctions on Iran, whose economy is already reeling. The Iran sanctions are but the most recent example of a U.S. foreign policy tool that consistently causes or exacerbates humanitarian crises. For a preview of what Iran is likely to suffer, we can look to another country currently in U.S. crosshairs: Venezuela. The devastating effects of the Trump administration’s broad economic sanctions, first imposed against Venezuela in 2017...

Venezuela Sanction To Kill: How US Blockade Is Taking Venezuelans’ Lives

While continuous and intensified sanctions against Venezuela by the United States aim to put pressure on President Nicolas Maduro’s administration they are mostly hurting the country's population, of which at least 40,000 deaths have been recorded, according to a study released by the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) in April 2019. Sanctions against Venezuela by the U.S. intensified after Jan. 23 when opposition lawmaker Juan Guaido attempted to overthrow democratically elected President Nicolas Maduro.

U.S. Carries The Water For Venezuelan Opposition In Norway Talks

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of Norway has announced that Representatives of Venezuela’s Government and the opposition will return to Oslo this week to start political talks following preliminary meetings days ago. “We are announcing that the representatives of the main political actors in Venezuela have decided to return to Oslo next week to continue a process facilitated by Norway,” reads a statement released by Norway’s Foreign Ministry, which confirmed its commitment to find “an agreed-upon solution” between the parties.

Venezuelan Embassy Protectors Experienced ‘Scary Nights’ But Persevered

Washington, DC –The last four holdouts in a siege at the Venezuelan Embassy experienced one of the most difficult times of their lives, they said, but survived by talking to each other about how they were feeling and shared their love and respect for one another. The Embassy Protection Collective was formed when Venezuela’s Consulate in New York was taken over by those opposing President Nicolás Maduro. They did so with the blessing of the Trump administration, which is trying to facilitate a coup in Venezuela to topple the Maduro government and install Juan Guaidó.

US Chose ‘The Violent And Illegal Path’ Against Peace Activists, Embassy Protector Tells The Canary

For 37 days, a group of peace activists stayed in the Venezuelan embassy in Washington to resist threats from the country’s US-backed opposition to seize the premises. By 14 May, only four activists remained inside the embassy, claiming defiantly: “we are not going to leave voluntarily”. But on 16 May, heavily armed police evicted them, breaking international law in the process. One of the final activists was Margaret Flowers – a paediatrician, social justice activist, and co-director of Popular Resistance. And she spoke exclusively to The Canary about the Embassy Protection Collective, and where the struggle goes from now.

US Economic War On Venezuela Targets CLAP Food Program Relied On By Millions

CARACAS, VENEZUELA — The U.S. government is preparing to levy sanctions against officials associated with Venezuela’s food subsidy program known as CLAP, the latest in a long list of unilateral coercive measures against the country. The new sanctions follow a report by the Center for Economic Policy Research, which stated that 40,000 Venezuelans have died because of sanctions imposed by the Trump administration that prevent life-saving medicines and food from getting into the country.

Venezuela – After Opposition Support ‘Deflated’ – U.S. Targets Food Aid Supply

The hot-air figures the U.S. used for its regime change efforts in Venezuela failed to do their job. The New York Times declares their movement "deflated". While it still repeats propaganda claims, the report makes clear that Guaidó is lacking public support: CARACAS, Venezuela — It was a daring gambit: Juan Guaidó, Venezuela’s opposition leader, stood by a military base alongside dozens of uniformed officers and political allies, calling for a military uprising against President Nicolás Maduro.

You Don’t Hear About It But The U.S. Blockade Is Killing The Venezuelan People

Days go by and Isabella has no idea that her life depends on colored pills. She is 21 months old and speaks a language that can be understood only by those who spend endless hours with her at the Italian Hospital in Buenos Aires, Argentina, deciding what color of which pill she should take now. Isabella was born with a congenital disease. Doctors were very clear from the beginning that she needs a liver transplant to live. Once diagnosed her parents, Douglas and Yelibeth right away started working on finding donors, funding, transplant, where, how and when.

Anti-War Activists Protest Eviction Of Venezuela Embassy Protectors

Around 200 people marched and then gathered at the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, May 18, to show solidarity with Venezuela and the last of the embassy protectors, who had been forcibly removed from the embassy by police two days earlier. For 36 days, anti-war activists and journalists in the U.S. had been staying inside the embassy to prevent the U.S. from installing agents of right-wing pretender to Venezuela’s presidency Juan Guaidó.

There’s Far More Diversity In Venezuela’s ‘Muzzled’ Media Than In US Corporate Press

The international corporate media have long displayed a peculiar creativity with the facts in their Venezuela reporting, to the point that coverage of the nation’s crisis has become perhaps the world’s most lucrative fictional genre. Ciara Nugent’s recent piece for Time(4/16/19), headlined “‘Venezuelans Are Starving for Information’: The Battle to Get News in a Country in Chaos,” distinguished itself as a veritable masterpiece of this literary fad. The article’s slant should come as no surprise, given Time’s (and Nugent’s) enthusiastic endorsement (2/1/19) of the ongoing coup led by self-proclaimed “interim president” Juan Guaidó.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! 

Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

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