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Regime Change

Venezuelan Government Denounces Right-Wing Terrorist Plan

Venezuelan Communication Minister, Jorge Rodriguez, denounced a terrorist plan Saturday led by the right-wing opposition,  which was fortunately dismantled, but that it intended to attack detachments of the Venezuelan National Guard. Venezuelan Communication Minister, Jorge Rodriguez, revealed Saturday details of a terrorist operation that was intended to be perpetrated against the Gran Mariscal Sucre Headquarters and the Zonal Command No. 53 of the Bolivarian National Guard in the state of Sucre.

Morales’ MAS Defines Strategy For Elections And A Solution To The Political Crisis

Political leaders, legislators, representatives of various social movements, grassroots organizations and trade unions from all the departments of Bolivia took part in the MAS assembly in Cochabamba on December 8. On December 7, the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS), the left-wing political party of the ousted Bolivian President Evo Morales, held an assembly in the city of Cochabamba. The central aim was to reorganize the party and popular organizations to take steps to confront the current social and political crisis in the country before the presidential elections in 2020.

US Activists Arrested At Venezuela Embassy To Face Trial Without Key Documents

WASHINGTON (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 14th December, 2019) A US judge ruled that four activists who were arrested during the State Department's seizure of the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington in May must face trial without documents that activists say prove they were wrongly arrested, a Sputnik correspondent reported on Friday. Earlier this month, the activists had asked the court to order the US government to hand over documents that they say prove they cooperated with law enforcement officers in the days leading up to their arrest, court documents show.

The Popular Assemblies At The Heart Of The Chilean Uprising

More than fifty days have passed since the Chilean uprising burst into existence. For those living it on the ground, it feels like much longer. The movement has already gone through several upheavals, alternately evolving and disintegrating in response to the changing terrain of struggle. The Piñera administration and its sympathizers have called — without success — for a return to normality. In response, the people have unequivocally stated that “normality” was the problem. Throughout the capital city of Santiago, graffiti reads: “I prefer the chaos.”

Anti-Chavismo In “Civil War” Mode: Outlook For 2020

On November 26, the self-proclaimed Juan Guaidó fired his diplomatic emissary in Colombia in a public letter to the Venezuelan oil businessman and former government minister of Carlos Andrés Pérez and Luis Herrera Campins, Humberto Calderón Berti. “We have decided to make changes in relation to our foreign policy in order to achieve the objectives set by our legitimate government,” said the letter signed by the president of the National Assembly in contempt, without going into greater detail. The information generated an immediate stir in public opinion as it was the first official removal of a “diplomatic” position appointed by Guaidó.

Abstract Leftism Leaves Bolivia And The Global South In Imperialist Crosshairs

“Progressive leftists” in the U.S., also known as liberals who claim to oppose U.S. Empire but tolerate all of its crimes, cannot be described as anything less than nauseating. Anything short of outright U.S. military invasion or bombing of a country is not worthy of their public condemnation, much less their activism. As explained  by the Black Alliance for Peace, “The silence, lack of visible opposition, and outright support for the coup [in Bolivia] from across the Western world is yet another example of the cross-class white supremacist commitment to the imperialist project.”

This Is The Map Of Power That “Built” The Coup In Bolivia

Romano has a degree in history and also in communication, is a doctor in political science and has dedicated her last years of study to US relations with Latin America, “with special emphasis on issues of psychological warfare,” she said in a dialogue with Sputnik. The researcher created the map with Tamara Lajtman, a Brazilian based at the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), Aníbal García Fernández, a Mexican trained at the National University of Mexico (UNAM), and Arantxa Tirado, based in Barcelona, they have all taken, at some point, classes at the UNAM.

Another U.S. Regime Change Operation Is Taking Shape In Mexico

When it comes to Mexico, one can at this point easily spot the signs of a brewing U.S. regime change operation. Since Mexico’s president Andrés Manuel López Obrador was elected last year, he’s been thoroughly vilified by the U.S. media. After Brazil’s fascist president Jair Bolsonaro was elected, the Financial Times’ John Paul Rathbone even argued that Obrador is a greater threat to liberal democracy than Bolsonaro. Such views of Obrador have come from claims that he’s an authoritarian, or “too strong” as the Washington Post recently put it.

How Middle Class Bolivia Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Coup

La Paz, Bolivia – As a US-backed military coup seized power from Bolivia’s first indigenous president, Bolivia appeared set for a prolonged political struggle between outraged citizens and the putschists. But just weeks later, the seemingly non-stop violence unleashed by the military has given way to an uneasy calm, with the new regime having largely achieved its goal of pacifying the country through a combination of iron-fisted political repression and co-optation of former MAS leaders and the heads of the strongest opposition social movements.

US Is Again Complicit In An Illegal Coup, This Time In Bolivia

Once again, the United States is complicit in an illegal coup d’état in Latin America, this time in Bolivia. On November 10, a right-wing, anti-Indigenous group seized power after the Bolivian military’s removal of President Evo Morales, who had declared victory in the October 20 presidential election. The United States’ fingerprints are all over the coup. Advisers from the U.S. Southern Command have been stationed on Bolivia’s border with Argentina, Ivanka Trump made a surprising visit to an Argentine province near the Bolivian border in September, the pro-U.S. Organization of American States (OAS) cast unfounded doubt on Morales’s election victory...

Does Uruguay’s Shift To The Right Mean Bad News For Mercosur?

Pagina 12 talked to analysts Atilio Boron, Hernan Patiño Mayer and Oscar Laborde about their views on what’s next in Uruguay following the victory of the National Party’s Luis Lacalle Pou in presidential elections; including its local political situation; its relationship with Argentina; Mercosur; the Rightward shift in the continent; and the results of 15 years of the leftist Frente Amplio or Broad Front. Thinking on the political scene unfolding in Uruguay with the victory of rightist Luis Lacalle Pou, Political Scientist Atilio Boron commented the contradictions of the alliance that is going to rule the country starting next March.

The New York Times’ Long History Of Endorsing US-Backed Coups

Bolivian President Evo Morales was overthrown in a U.S.-backed military coup d’état earlier this month after Bolivian army generals appeared on television demanding his resignation. As Morales fled to Mexico, the army appointed right-wing Senator Jeanine Añez as his successor. Añez, a Christian conservative who has described Bolivia’s indigenous majority as “satanic”, arrived at the presidential palace holding an oversized Bible, declaring that Christianity was re-entering the government. She immediately announced she would “take all measures necessary” to “pacify” the indigenous resistance to her takeover.

US Vows To ‘Reinforce’ Sanctions, Accuses Venezuela And Cuba Of Stirring Regional ‘Strife’

Caracas, November 28, 2019 ( – The Trump administration has pledged to continue economic sanctions against Venezuela in its ongoing bid to oust the Maduro government. Speaking at a press conference at the State Department Wednesday, Special Envoy for Venezuela Elliott Abrams defended US regime change policy, which he said would “continue.” “There’s no change… What is next is, I would say, a continuation of the current policy,” he said in response to questions about the status of US efforts more than ten months after recognizing opposition politician Juan Guaido as “interim president” of Venezuela.

Operation Condor 2.0: After Bolivia Coup, Trump Dubs Nicaragua ‘National Security Threat’ And Targets Mexico

One successful coup against a democratically elected socialist president is not enough, it seems. Immediately after overseeing a far-right military coup in Bolivia on November 10, the Trump administration set its sights once again Nicaragua, whose democratically elected Sandinista government defeated a violent right-wing coup attempt in 2018. Washington dubbed Nicaragua a threat to US national security, and announced that it will be expanding its suffocating sanctions on the tiny Central American nation.

Media Wonder: Why Can’t Venezuela Be More Like Bolivia?

Western corporate media outlets have often cried foul when foreign elections don’t go the way the US empire wants them to, and find roundabout ways to label the violent attempts by vocal right-wing minorities to use military forces to overthrow leftist governments as “protests” rather than coups (, 5/16/18, 5/1/19). But it’s still rare to see them blatantly call for a right-wing coup without a hint of their usually subtler pretenses.

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