The Decade Of Transformation: Being In Balance With Nature
In addition to COVID-19 and the economic collapse, multiple crises are reaching a peak and the world is changing as a result. How the world changes will be determined in some part by our actions. This week, we look at what can be done to bring our societies into balance with nature.
Biologist Elisabet Sahtouris describes an alternative theory of evolution to Darwin's "survival of the fittest" in her book, "Earthdance: Living Systems in Evolution." Sahtouris finds that evolution is cyclical, a spiral instead of linear. She describes how when a new species arises, it upsets the ecological equilibrium as it comes into competition with other species over the habitat. The task of that species in the adolescent phase of its evolution is to find its niche in a way that is cooperative with other species. If it fails, it goes extinct.