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Extinction Rebellion

On ‘Hottest Day In History Of France,’ World Told ‘Do Not Look Away’ As Police Tear-Gas Climate Campaigners In Paris

French riot police tear-gassed climate protesters in Paris on Friday as the county sweltered under record heat. Activists with Extinction Rebellion (XR) were occupying a bridge over the Seine to demand the French government declare a climate emergency and take necessary action to avert planetary catastrophe. "We need to civilly disrupt because, otherwise, nothing is going to be done," a British woman who took part in the protest told Euronews. Video shows the police teargassing the protesters at a close range and then forcibly trying to remove them from the scene.

70 Arrested Outside New York Times Demanding Paper Treat Climate Like The Crisis It Is

Hundreds of people descended on the headquarters of the New York Times on Saturday to demand the "paper of record" drastically improve its coverage of the global climate crisis and specifically demanded its reporters refer to the situation as a "climate emergency" in alignment with what the world's scientific community is warning. Coordinated by Extinction Rebellion NYC, 70 people were reported arrested after the group staged a sit-in on Eight Avenue in midtown Manhattan in order to bring attention to the failure of the paper—and that of the journalism industry overall...

Extinction Rebellion ‘Must Address Safety And Security Concerns’

Legal advice group Green and Black Cross (GBC) has taken the unprecedented step of making a public statement raising a series of legal and security concerns around Extinction Rebellion (XR). The statement was published just days after the organisation, which provides legal support and solidarity to those involved in protest activity, entered a three month recuperation period. The main take-away is that GBC have said that they are no longer willing to continue the work of supporting XR. They had done this through help, advice and training; legal observing; and back office support.

How Ireland’s Citizens’ Assembly Helped Climate Action

In July 2016, the new government – led by Fine Gael, backed by independents – put forward a bill to establish a national-level Citizens’ Assembly to look at the biggest issues of the day. These included the challenges of an ageing population; the role fixed-term parliaments; referendums; the 8th Amendment on abortion; and climate change. Citizens from every region, every socio-economic background, each ethnicity and age group and from right across the spectrum of political opinion convened over the course of two weekends between September and November 2017.

For The Love Of Winning: An Open Letter To Extinction Rebellion

You just made history, there is no doubt about it. On May 1, the UK Parliament declared a climate emergency. You just nudged the world into the right direction with your disobedient bodies and beating hearts. Extinction Rebellion’s first demand has become a reality. You put your dreams and courage on display, splashed images across the world that showed that in an emergency, words are never enough. You proved, what fierce lover and rebel poet of everyday life Oscar Wilde, believed when he wrote: “Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is our original virtue.

Only Rebellion Will Prevent An Ecological Apocalypse

No one is coming to save us. Mass civil disobedience is essential to force a political response. Had we put as much effort into preventing environmental catastrophe as we’ve spent on making excuses for inaction, we would have solved it by now. Everywhere I look, I see people engaged in furious attempts to fend off the moral challenge it presents. The commonest current excuse is this: “I bet those protesters have phones/go on holiday/wear leather shoes.” In other words, we won’t listen to anyone who is not living naked in a barrel, subsisting only on murky water. Of course, if you are living naked in a barrel we will dismiss you too, because you’re a hippie weirdo.

Extinction Rebellion, Grief And Climate Catastrophe

New York - I was attracted to the Extinction Rebellion by its call for net zero carbon emissions by 2025 – more in line what is needed to save life on the planet than what many other groups have been calling for. And the fact that it employs acts of civil disobedience as a main organizing tool and directly challenges the present actions by elected official everywhere as untruthful and grossly inadequate to the task. I attended the action at Rockefeller Center in January. Yesterday more than 60 were arrested in NYC near City Hall and the Brooklyn Bridge while the London CD protests enter their fourth day.

Can The World Unite For The Climate Crisis?

A team of researchers at Tufts University recently analyzed over five million scenarios predicting the future of the climate to answer the question of whether or not we can stay within the 2° C increase in temperature that is considered to be tolerable. The answer is uncertain, as most of the scenarios were pessimistic. They report: "The massive analysis shows that meeting that target is exceptionally difficult in all but the most optimistic climate scenarios." They conclude that what is certain is the only hope for a livable future is to take swift action now to achieve "carbon-neutral energy production by 2030."

Extinction Rebellion Climate Shutdown Shakes New York

New York, NY – Nine arrests were reported at the US Extinction Rebellion (XR), the first major New York City civil disobedience action of a dynamic, bold new environmental movement. A nonviolent action was organized on January 26, 2019 to temporarily shut down Rockefeller Plaza, a prominent New York City landmark to create awareness of the extreme peril of the climate change emergency through a nationwide day of nonviolent civil disobedience and protest. Extinction Rebellion is an international movement dedicated to raising the alarm about the dire threat of climate change and using mass nonviolent civil disobedience to force governments to take action.

Extinction Rebellion Climate Activists Block DC Streets

Washington —“Rest in peace to the birds and trees,” chanted a group on Saturday calling themselves Extinction Rebellion. “Rest in peace to you and me.” What researchers have dubbed the sixth mass extinction has activists scrambling to save a crumbling biosphere and make species preservation a central tenant of the emerging climate justice movement. One such group, Extinction Rebellion, first drew thousands to London on Oct. 31 to highlight environmental devastation, pollution and species loss. Blocking bridges and sitting-in on the Houses of Parliament, Extinction Rebellion now boasts chapters in 35 countries around the world, including 30 in the U.S..

Rebellion Day: London’s Iconic Bridges Blocked To Protest Global Lack Of Climate Change Action

Some 10,000 people from all over the world descended upon the British capital demanding more action on climate change, declaring a rebellion against UK Government and calling for global peaceful civil disobedience to address this global issue. Organised by the Extinction Rebellion group, five bridges – Blackfriars, Waterloo, Westminster, Lambeth and Southwark – were blocked early Saturday morning and held for much of the day before moving to Parliament Square. The purpose of the action was to place pressure upon the UK government to be honest and forthright about the reality of the climate and ecological emergency.

New Movement Arises To Force Action On Climate Change

The United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a conservative body, estimates that humans have twelve years to take effective action to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Given the lack of response by most governments to do what is necessary, a new movement has arisen in the United Kingdom targeting the House of Parliament to force significant policy changes. Called the Extinction Rebellion, this movement needs to go global. We spoke with Marijn Van de Geer about what the Extinction Rebellion is doing, their model of change and how to get involved.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

Urgent End Of Year Fundraising Campaign

Online donations are back! 

Keep independent media alive. 

Due to the attacks on our fiscal sponsor, we were unable to raise funds online for nearly two years.  As the bills pile up, your help is needed now to cover the monthly costs of operating Popular Resistance.

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