Police Chief Wants Officer Charged For Killing Unarmed Man
By Carimah Townes for Think Progress - Between 2000 and 2014, the LAPD shot an average of one person every week. Yet no officer has been charged for a fatal shooting in the last 15 years. If Police Chief Charlie Beck gets his way, that could change soon. Despite push-back from his colleagues, Beck has recommended that Officer Clifford Proctor be charged for shooting and killing an unarmed homeless man in Venice last year. Proctor and his partner said Brendon Glenn was harassing customers and confronted a bouncer. The officers claimed Proctor shot Glenn while he was reaching for one of their weapons. But sources who saw video surveillance of the shooting told the Los Angeles Times that the police officers had successfully brought Glenn down to the ground when Proctor walked away and fired the gun. According to the anonymous sources, Glenn tried to stand up and was struggling before he was killed, but did not act in a way that explained the shooting.