Jeremy Scahill Slams Fareed Zakaria on CNN
By Josh Feldman for Mediate. On CNN’s Reliable Sources this morning, The Intercept’s Jeremy Scahill went off on the “atrocious” media coverage of the Syria missile strikes, even calling out CNN’s Fareed Zakaria in particular.
Last week Zakaria said that after that strike, Trump “became President of the United States.” This morning, an hour before Scahill was on CNN, Zakaria said that he congratulates President Trump for striking a “blow against evil.”
Scahill told Brian Stelter that CNN “needs to immediately withdraw all retired generals and colonels from its airwaves.” And then he said this:
“You know, Fareed Zakaria––if that guy could have sex with this cruise missile attack, I think he would do it.”
He also slammed Brian Williams for his strange quotation of Leonard Cohen in speaking about the “beauty of our weapons.”